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Tornado's Biography pt. 1: Dreams of being a hero

....My life begins like most other children, born inside a hospital. Though the only difference was that my father was never really around. When I questioned my mother about this, she had told me that he was out on a business trip. I believed this. He was out on a lot of business trips though. Practically every night he was gone. It took me a while, but it finally dawned on me what exactly was going on. My father wasn't any normal father. He was a hero. Not just any hero, but a super hero. His name was The Tornado. Like me. But he actually used that name before me. Anyways, he was really good at what he did. He lived for it really. He was very good.

....But one night, when my father returned from one of his usual "business trips", my mother confronted him about his frequent leavings. An argument began, which ended by a loud slapping noise. It was quiet after that for a while. The last I saw of my mother that night was when she stormed away. She left later that night as I was asleep.

....They say that when two doves are in love and one dies, then the other just stops living. Not just dropping dead, they just seem depressed about it all. My father was the depressed dove. His job no longer was his hobby. Instead, he treated it like a chore. He was half fast at it. He would rescue the person, but would never see if they were actually unharmed. He would nearly mess up capturing robbers. I felt that I needed to do something, so I told him I would be a hero like him. He immediantly dismissed the idea. He told me that being a hero left you empty inside, and no one truly thanked you. I had to consult another source on that matter.

....My comic stash said otherwise. Everyone admired Superman, Batman, even a few others. Though only one person matched my fathers description. Spider-Man. But he ended up with the girl he saved. She was in distress, and that's what I've always wanted to do. Rescue a girl in distress. Hopefully the girl I fall in love with. I went to confront my father on this issue, but once again, he dismissed it entirely. I finally had to go on my own. I left my house at the tender age of eight, and never saw it or my father again.

....My idea was to becaome a super hero despite what I had been told. The Tornado, my father, wouldn't do his job anymore. This allowed for the city he protected become infested with criminals. I had to do something. I started up rumors that The Tornado was coming back. Everyone talked about them. I knew, because I passed through several of these conversations. Finally, it would be time to give truth to these rumors. Knowing my father wouldn't follow suit in these, I decided that I should hold onto the legacy. And that's what I did. I dressed up in my fathers costume. I was too big, but I knew that if people saw me, they would only believe that I was really The Tornado, if they saw the costume.

....My chance to give The Tornado his name back was at a bank heist. I knew I could do it. My father told me about them all the time. They always followed certain procedures at night. So I was ready for anything. Anything that is, except something that would shock me beyond belief.

....When I arrived at the location, I noticed the bank robbers doing their stuff. Very quietly, I sneaked up to get a good view of the robbers. I got a good vantage point behind a desk. I allowed for the robbers to get the vault open. As my father said, they're usually most suspiscious during this point. When the vault opened, I decided that I should catch them off guard. I began sneaking out when I saw the first person exiting with an armload of money. To my surpirse, I actually knew the robber. It wasn't some no-name guy my father usually took out on a regular basis. Instead, it was my mother. I couldn't believe it. I just stood there in the suit that was ten sizes too big watching my mother become a criminal. I couldn't stop them. I couldn't even move. I found it hard to believe that my own mother could be capable of such a thing. I wasn't able to stop them. Instead, they were able to get away without noticing me standing there by the table. When the police arrived, I finally moved. I couldn't explain to them what happened.

....By the next day, everyone had made a mockery of the name The Tornado. I decided that I should leave before doing more damage to mine and my fathers reputation.

The Supah Hero takes flight