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Bio Part 2: Birth of the Supah Hero

....I had run away as far as I could. I ran for so long, I forgot why I was even running. Finally, I had to lower the pace to a simple walk. Eventually, my walking took me to a farmland. A rather large farmland. Filled with all sorts of farm stuff. That's where I decided to stop and have a quick bite to eat. Little did I realize that it was going to be a dine and dash. But first, a little show.

....Just about in the forth peice of corn, I heard a gun shot coming from the other side of the field. I bolted away trying to get out, but didn't hear anyone following me. Finally, I turned around and saw that no one was following me. I heard another shot, then some laughter. I decided to investigate. I hid behind some corn stalks and saw that there were two people standing there. On a nearby pole, was a target. A young boy, just a year younger than me, I was 9 at the time, held a shotgun. Closer examination showed that the gun was merely a B.B. gun. He had been trying to hit a target, but kept missing. Beside him, was a young girl just a few years younger than me. After the boys fifth attempt, the girl took the gun and began aiming. She didn't hit the bullseye, but came close. She at least hit the target. With another shot, she came closer to the center. That time, she only missed by a couple inches. They both went up and examined the target. The girl laughed as I decided that this would be the best opportunity to make myself known.

....But when I did, I startled both the girl and the boy. Infact, I startled them so much, the girl ended up blasting the gun. I wasn't hit, the pellet just flew by my head. I was speechless, but the girl wasn't. She demanded to know who I was and why I was there. After reloading the gun, I decided to tell them everything. Which I did. I told them about my childhood. About how my father was a super hero, and how my mother became a criminal. They were stunned by all this. Either that, or maybe it was the fact that I was still in my fathers hero suit that was still too big for me. They stood there for a while, then began laughing. They thought the idea of me ever being a super hero was ridiculous. I laughed too. Hey, she had a gun!

....We spent that night under the stars. Looking up at the constalations. Al argued that they were too lazy, so he went in for the night. That just left me with Cynthia. Sure she was around 3 years younger than me, but I never really cared. She wasn't interested in me though. Only my stories I told her. Finally, she left too. Leaving me to my open thoughts. They strayed away from the farm. They went all the way to how my parents were doing. If my father had done something. Or if my mother was no longer involved in criminal actions. I hoped that she wasn't. But she was. She continued to escalate in crimes until she was finally caught and imprisoned. But that didn't happen until years after the point I'm at now.

....The next morning, Cuynthia and Al found out I couldn't stay much longer. So I needed to go. They told me of a orphanage that could use a guy like me. Someone to help protect them. I couldn't call myself a super hero after what happened just a year earlier. So Al told me to be something else. Say, a Supah Hero instead. There weren't any of those. So if I goofed up, I could use the excuse "I'm a supah hero. I'm supposed to do that!" With a hug goodbye, I left the first friends I had ever made in my life and set out on a whole new adventure.

Desperate actions.