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Supah Villians

Supah Villians are every where now adays. Whether it be an evil clown of some sort, or some sort of evil genius; supah villians will never die off. That's why I'm glad to be a supah hero. Someone to stop these villians. These are just a few villinas I have coime across over my visit in the RWF.

The Feared One

The first supah villian I ever came across since arriving here. This man is the embodyment of all that is evil. Just look at the name. Though I lost our only face off, I am still looking forward to our next meet. Of course, I just made a mistake by saying "only face off". Because if we ever did meet again, that would be our first meet. But...wait. Let's move on.


This man was someone I only met for a short while, but that was enough to get a view that he was a supah villian. And like Feared One, this was a big baddy. But like Green Arrow and Galactus, we never got to meet. Only hear of eachother.


When James decided to go out and make the rookies on Warfare look like losers, I had to step up to him. Being a rookie myself, I had no idea what I stepped into. Our fight was a good one, with me losing, but getting the better of James in the end. I don't know if he's still upset about what I told him. But in case you forgotten, a supah villian is never invincible!


At first, I saw this man as someone who could rise up to be a supah hero. But in the end, he was just a villian in disguise. He tried to steal the woman I had feelings for, but later on found out she never cared. All I can say, is that like Wolverine a few days after his loss to Sabertooth, I'm all healed up and ready to go, bub!

Mistress Pain

Much like Pyran, I saw potential supah hero powers in Pain. But in the end, she just ended up being someone just trying to use me to get to the top. At least that's what I think. All I know is when I came back out of my coma, I only remember Cyclone really being there for me. So in case you were wondering why I dropped her, that's why. That, and Cyclone really hates her.

Maximus Capone

When you go hitting on women in distress at bars, that's just wrong. I know that Maximus should be up there, but in this case I brought him down here becuase we have yet to meet. But will. Hopefully when I update my page, Maximus wil have left this section, and move onto the Supah Pals section.


I'm sure if you view my biography, you'll know why my mother is on my supah villans list. I couldn't believe what she had done. If only I had done something then.

The Tornado

Dad, how could you? I believed in you. You stopped me from following any of my dreams. Or at least attempted to.