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The Site
Visual Basic Tutor
Games Hints And Tips
Work In Progress

Online Shop
DLS Forum

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Runescape Online RPG
Runescape Tips

(Awaiting items)

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Free Guestbook from Bravenet

I've changed the colour scheme of the site. The layouts still same style but slightly cut down to help me keep it up to date and maintain it.

I got some renders and concept art of the ships in my upcoming shoot-em-up game, which you can find under the Work In Progress section. This section has also been tidied up to make it easier to follow and for me to keep it updated as well.

Once I get Visual Basic 6 up and running I'll finish off with the programmes and tutorials that I seem to be neglecting at the moment.

Hope you enjoy the site and please by all means come again.

Created by
Dark Lord Software