Scott Swickard
Vice Chairman
NDW Enterprises, Ltd.
If you have any questions
or comments, feel free
to contact me at
the following e-mail
A charming and quite personable fellow, Scott Clinton Swickard resides in rural Illinois. Scott always strives for excellence, maintaining a near perfect record of straight A's throughout his elementary and high school career. Scott is a very well read man, enjoying such classic works as The Hobbit and Harry Potter. Always one to expand his knowledge of cunning and strategy, Scott enjoys a good round at games Axis & Allies or Chess. Scott loves a good pizza every now and then, plain cheese with plenty of graded parmesean suits his fancy. Scott's bag is finance, and he enjoys investing company money in risky stocks. Even though we risk huge financial losses, he still beats the heck out of AA (you all know who I mean!) As far as the corporation is concerned, the show could not go on without Scott. Scott also serves as President Nathan Webb's best friend. Scott is known by many different names such as Bones, Peter Piper III, Vito Corleone, Fat Tony, etc. Through thick and thin, Scott has always been there to see Nathan through.