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Youstdude's Day On The Bike Trail

Youstdude's Day On The Bike Trail

This bike ride took place on Monday, July 1, 2002.

The Youstdudes left home, for their bike ride, about 8:00 AM and returned home about 12:00 PM. Allowing for approximately one half hour travel time, each way, their actual riding time was about three hours. During these three hours the Youstdudes proved their bike riding skills and abilities by riding 10.4 miles and never running into the river, even once. Of course, no land speed records were broken and there were a couple of time-outs for breaks but overall they did a fine job. Their bike ride actually started in Eastwood Park, a few miles North and East of Dayton, Ohio.

In Eastwood Park we got on the Mad River Bike Trail. This trail is approximately three miles long and follows the Mad River down to the Riverscape area of Dayton, where the Mad River runs into the Great Miami River. At this point, the Mad River Trail ends and the River Corridor Trail begins. After stopping and taking a break at Riverscape, we rode on down to an area where the River Corridor trail is temporarily closed, while one of the bridges that spans the Great Miami River is being torn out and replaced.

From there, we rode on back up to Eastwood Park, taking one little detour to explore a little different route back to the Riverscape area. This time, when we came back to Riverscape, the play fountains were running. As the pictures show, the Youstdudes just couldn't resist getting a little bit wet.

Links To Pics Taken During Youstdude's Bike Ride

Loaded, Ready To Go Riding

Jacob & Zachary Before Ride

Jacob & Zachary, Eastwood Park

Randy and Boys At Riverscape

Picture Taken In Riverscape

Second Picture Taken In Riverscape

Water Level Mark 0f 1913 Flood, Riverscape

Ducks/Geese Across The River From Riverscape

Bike Trail, Looking South From Riverscape

Riverscape Replica Of Wright Brother's Plane

Where The Mad River Runs Into The Great Miami

Zachary & Jacob, Onstage At Riverscape

Bike Trail Closed, East Side Of River

Closer Picture of East Side Construction

Bridge Construction On West Side Of River

Boys, Checking Out The Dry Fountain

Randy & Boys, Fountain Still Dry

Jacob, Thinking About Getting Wet

Jacob, Finally Getting Wet

Leaving Riverscape Area, Heading North

Closer Take Of Leaving Riverscape Area

Even Closer Take Of Leaving Riverscape Area

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