Dean Winchester-Dean was kidnapped when he was nine, but was saved by a stranger named Bobby Singer before any physical damage had been done, but it was obvious the boy had seen things. After wards the child was not the same and as he became a teenager he began to mirror his mothers mental illness from childhood. First his parents tried a psychiatrist and when he would disappear for days at the age of fourteen than return with bruises and other wounds his parents finally broke down and allowed Mary’s parents to have Dean institutionalized. He was there for a year when John and Mary learned what was happening to their child there and got the doctor thrown in jail for cruelty to his patients. Another Doctor released Dean and the teen remained acting ‘healed’ for a year. Than his sixteenth birthday and came he disappeared with only a note for an explanation (I can’t continue pretending to be when there’s creatures out there hurting people. I’m sorry.). Dean studied with every hunter he could find that was willing to teach him and became very close with an older woman named Clea he meet when he was Eight Teen. Clea was very good at the job and seen how great Dean could become (He was already a good hunter) and took him under her wing. He excelled at everything she thought him and he soon became the ultimate hunter, but their time together didn’t last long. She was wounded during a hunt and had Dean take her to her friend. Bobby Singer. Bobby recognized Dean from his last name as the boy he had saved nine years ago and did his best to save Clea. Clea died in Dean’s arms. Even though there was a forty-year difference between them she had been his first love. She left everything she had to Dean much like the Hunter who had trained her did to her, included her black 1967 Chevy Impala. After giving Clea a warriors send off Dean stayed with Bobby and learned whatever the man was willing to teach him. Unlike Clea who was Dean’s teacher and lover Bobby was his first true friend and introduced him to others at a roadhouse who became his friends also. Dean made quite a name for him-self in the demon-hunting world and never thought about returning home until one day. He returned home six years after he left to see his little brother, Sam, graduate from High School. Dean knew he stuck out at the graduation since he wasn’t dressed up like everyone else no one made him leave or anything. He even shook Sam’s hand when it was over and told him congratulations. His little brother didn’t recognize him. He snuck into his parent’s house and left a present for Sam on his pillow than waited in his Impala across the street as they came home. He saw Sam throw the present out the window and Dean drove away. He never planned on returning home again. A few years later after a hunt where the demon caused him to have a heart attack he began to get sick, so he took a vacation to Bobby’s. Seeing how bad Dean looked Bobby forced him to see a Doctor and they found out just how sick Dean really was. They didn’t know what to call it, but there wasn’t anything to could do for him, so Bobby took him back to his place to take care of him. After talking to some people at the roadhouse Bobby learned it was demonic and set out to find a cure. Meanwhile Dean got sicker and sicker to the point where Bobby couldn’t take care of him by himself any longer, so the younger man was moved to the roadhouse where Ellen and her daughter Jo could watch him. Dean fought through it and started getting better even though his friends could all see him was still sick and dieing. Knowing his time was nearing an end Dean set out to say bye to his friends.

Jessica Moore-Jess works in a bar and has meet Dean even though she doesn’t know it. He helped her out with a demon problem in her house using the alias Alec McDowell and even though he got rid of the demon Jess couldn’t live there anymore, so she moved in with Sam and Jacob. Jess had seen what the demon had done to Alec and couldn’t keep living in a house where it took place. She kept in contact with the hunter mostly making midnight phone calls to him. After awhile he started making phone calls to her. They would just talk…His voice seemed to be getting weaker and weaker. Finally he told her he was coming to see her. When he arrived he told her the truth about everything and it turned out her brother was dating his. Finding out he was dieing Jess made her feelings about the man open.

John Winchester-Owns a garage and works there. Plays baseball on his days off. Is a former Marine and Vietnam veteran. John felt guilty for what happened to Dean as a teenager and over the last year has looked into what Dean believed. After reading the books and papers in his son's old room he's starting to believe it himself.

Sam Winchester-studying law at Stanford and is living with his boyfriend Jacob and Jacob’s sister Jessica. Sam always did worry about his brother, but during his late teens it became more of a hate and when he found the gift it esculated. He wasn’t going to let Dean buy his way back into his life. After he had thrown the gift out the window he had seen the Impala parked across the street drive away and realized it had been Dean. He felt guilty about it, but pushed it aside when he went off to Stanford. Being away from his family Sam could now be himself and became openly gay. It wasn’t until his second year he meet Jacob and they fell in love. They moved in the next year and than a year after that Jessica moved into their two bedroom apartment with them after the house she had been living in had some problems. Sam eventually told his parents he was gay and they were fine with it (His Dad more so after a night of thinking it over and decided to be a man about it), but they have yet to meet Jacob until the family reunion coming up. They even said for him to bring Jessica too since Jacob and Jess don’t have a family of their own they wanted to be their family.

Jacob Moore-Doctor. Has been openly gay since he was a teenager and went through a lot of shit in his foster home because of it. His more mellow to Sam’s uptightness and once to make things right between Sam and his brother even though he wont ever say that to Sam because he doesn’t want to upset him.

Mary Winchester-works out of the house as a seamstress. She comes from a wealthy family and has four sisters (three older and one younger). As a teenager Mary was diagnosed with mental problems because she claimed to being seeing people as demons and was locked away in an asylum for a short time. She got better and was let out.

Supernatural Alternate Universe Stand Alone
