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Steven C. Tarrant

My Philosophy of Education

My motivation for becoming a teacher is driven primarily by the potential of having a positive influence on the lives of my students on multiple levels: as an academic, a role model and mathematics enthusiast.

A life application approach is the point of emphasis in my classroom since many students want to see how math is used in real-life experiences. Understanding that not all students are alike compels me to foster an equitable learning environment in which all students are valued and respected. Likewise, I value differentiating instruction and using constructive and collaborative strategies.

Students can expect to be challenged and think critically in my classroom. I strive to motivate and inspire students to reach their full potential. Besides the math content they are required to learn, I hope each student will develop strong work ethic and discipline that will help them in all aspects of life.

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Introduction | My Philosophy of Education | Current Resume | Sample Lesson Plans | Educational Background