Bennett Cemetery

Easton, Connecticut

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Bennett Cemetery is located at 135 Judd Road, just off Stepney Road (Route 59; take a left onto Judd if you are heading toward Monroe). The cemetery consists of just two stones hidden in a wood between Judd Road and private property. Since both burials are for people who succumbed to smallpox, Bennett Cemetery is supposedly also known as "Smallpox Cemetery". The graves are accessible by a communal driveway - unfortunately, the driveway is plastered with "No Trespassing" signs and threats of video surveillance. I don't recommend trying to access the burial ground from Judd Road, either. I tried - it is over a stream and up a hill which is lousy with foliage (and prickly thorns in the autumn/winter) and I nearly stepped on a snake. As a result, I do not have any photos of the tombstones. The photo, below, is not mine. It is from the Find A Grave website. Judd Road is visible in the background.

This page was created 23 June 2023.

Bennett Cemetery

The known inhabitants of Bennett Cemetery are:

John Bennett, Sr.

born 8 September 1779,

died 17 April 1822.

John Bennett, Jr.

died April 1822.

Father and son were both struck down by smallpox.

John Bennett, Sr. was married to Charity Drake Bennett (1784 - 2 May 1857).

She was also the mother of John Bennett, Jr.

Charity re-married to Enos Wheeler (1772 - 28 October 1855) and they are

buried in Sanford Burial Ground in Redding.

Charity Bennett & Enos Wheeler

Charity, "wife of John Bennett & relict of Enos Wheeler", and Enos Wheeler

in Sanford Burial Ground, Redding.

Photo from Find A Grave contributor, Peter Trainer.

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