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MY BIOGRAPHY Hi my name is Adam which you already know that I am sure. I would just like to tell you a little about myself. I am 17 years old and, I go to ASB,it stands for Arkansass School for the Blind. But I am not blind you see. I just have trouble seeing some things. I am just like any other 17 year kid. I like to have fun and just hang out with friends just like evey one elce my age. So you see I am no that diffrent than any other teenager. I like to hunt fish and watch my dad and cusin race there dirt trakc car it is just fun to me. I also like to watch them race tillers which you can learn more about at if you want to. Well let me let you go there is a lot more to view on my page than my jabering.
Here hereis a pic of my dads tiller WILDTHING the champion.