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        Narrator: Jake

        Pages: 154   

        Chapters: 24

        Published: February 1997

        Cover: Jake changes to fly

        Cover Quote: "Now, he's one of them...."


Book Summary

It was really bad when Jake found out his older brother was one of them.  It was even worse when Tobias stayed in his morph too long.  But nothing compares to the horror the Animorphs are about to face. Nothing.

Jake, Rachel, Tobias, Cassie, and Marco have a feeling they know where the Yeerks' new base is located.  And they've even figured out how to get in -- how many people will really notice a few flies on the wall?  But they never figured that they might get caught. Or that Jake could fall into the Yeerk pool. That Jake could become a human-Controller.

A Yeerk

The Enemy.


Jake: Cockroach. Fly.

Rachel: Cockroach. Fly.

Tobias: Hawk.

Cassie: Cockroach. Fly.

Marco: Cockroach. Fly.

Ax: Cockroach. Fly.

Sample of Book

    I'm Jake.

    Just Jake.  You don't need to know my last name, and I can't tell you, anyway. My story is full of small lies.  I've changed people's names.  I've changed the names of places. I've changed small details here and there.

    But the big stuff is true.

    All of it.

    The Yeerks are here. On Earth. That is true.

    The Yeerks have made Controllers of many humans.  They have inserted their gross, sluglike bodies into people's brains, and made them into slaves -- Controllers. That is true.

    Controllers are everywhere.  My town. Your town. Everywhere.

    They can be anyone.  The policeman on the corner. The teacher in your school. Your best friend.  Your mother or father.  Your brother.

    I know. Because my brother Tom is one of them.

    Tom is a controller. A slave to the Yeerk in his head. If he knew who I really was -- what I really was -- he would have me killed. Or turned into a Controller, like him.