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What is Armenism ?

What is Armenism?

Armenism is a developing national strategy with a potential to secure the continuous existence of the Armenian nation-state, Armenian cultural heritage and the Armenian ethno-linguistic identity. Furthermore, Armenism is comprised of religious and political components designed to accomplish regeneration of the Armenian cultural, political, economic, intellectual and military capacities in the region of Caucasus.

The political goals of Armenism are the following:

- To promote the establishment of an efficient system of government in the Republic of Armenia, capable of providing sufficient public services to Armenian citizens and securing Armenia’s borders drawn up by the former American President Woodrow Wilson in 1918 and recognized by the international community under the Treaty of Sevres.

The economic and financial goals of Armenism are the following:

- To promote the establishment of a competitive economic system of market economy in Armenia, capable of providing sufficient legal framework for the development of a fair trade, proper banking and commerce that will significantly benefit the country and create large number of growing industries in Armenia capable of resolving the problems of joblessness and brain-drain.

-To promote the development and rapid growth of the profit generating and job creating industries in Armenia, that will propel the country to the rank of the leading nations in the world known for their advances in the fields of High Tech, Telecommunications, Agriculture, Chemical Industry, Medicine, Science, Education and Tourism.

The intellectual goals of Armenism are the following:

-To promote the establishment of a highly competitive educational system in the Republic of Armenia capable of exceeding world's educational and scientific accomplishments that will propel Armenia to the frontiers of the cutting edge science and scholarship, enabling Armenia to conduct a pragmatic diplomacy to defend its national interests in the region.

It is the goal of Armenism to promote the cultivation of a fertile ground for the establishment of the Armenia as the regional mega-center of advanced knowledge and applied sciences, the new Heliopolis of the world scholarship.

The cultural goals of Armenism are the following:

-To preserve and promote the Armenian cultural heritage as the guarantor of preserving Armenian ethno-linguistic identity within the Republic of Armenia and its vast cross-continental diaspora. Specific components of the Armenian identity to be venerated are: the Armenian language, history, mythology and literature, food, dances, various traditions and customs, clothing fashion, arts, music and the importance of building families to enable our nation grow and prosper.

For the Armenists, the significance of the Mt. Ararat and the Armenian language are that of a sacred value in the doctrine of Armenism. The beginnings of the world civilization in the Armenian Highland are that of a divine significance.

The military goals of Armenism are the following:

-To help the Armenia in its goal to accomplish sufficient military capabilities to be deployed for the defense of the country, for the defense of the Armenia's citizenry and its national interests.

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