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Episode II "Organizations"

Commerce Guild
The Commerce Guild is a faction
in Episode II, and is part of the
Corporate Alliance. It is like
the Trade Federation.

Corporate Alliance
The Corporate Alliance is a Political
Commerce Movement. It is made up of
a group of corporations that have made
a political and business alliance.

Intergalactic Banking Clan
One of the financial forces in Epsisode II.

Techno Union
The Techno Union is an organization
that oversees the production of technology
and is a political force.

Confederacy of Independent Systems
This group of systemshave seceded from the
Republic and are in involved with Count Dooku.

Emperor's Royal Guard
The Emeror's Royal Guard, previosly seen
in The Return of The Jedi, will make an
appearance in Episode II. Not much
is known about what they will be doing,
but you can read about the Royal Guard at The Official Site .

Galactic Republic
The Republic, led by the Senate, will
get into it first stages of falling apart
in Episode II. In Episode II, Supreme
Chancellor Palpatine leads the Republic.
In Episode II, a separatist movement, led
by Count Dooku, begins to split the Republic.

Galactic Senate
The Senate leads the Republic. In
Epside II, Supreme Chancellor
Palpatine leads the Senate. Many
senators will become separatists, and
become a threat to the Republic.

The Jedi Order
The Jedi Order will play
a signifigant part in Episode II.
The Jedi are protectors of the galaxy,
but when it comes to fighting wars, there aren't enough Jedi to fight. But the Jedi must fight in the Clone Wars.

The Sith

The Sith will be back again in Episode II.
Darth Sidious now has Count Dooku.
Dooku will lead the separitist movement,
that will cause the Clone Wars.

Trade Federation

The Trade Federation will again
have a part in Episode II. the Trade
Federation is part of the Corporate