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Award Police

"Taking fanfiction seriously. Will not tolerate corruption"

Welcome to the home office of the 'Award Police'. We are, effectively, just that. Often scouring the internet for various new awards sites, we like to keep an eye on the 'fairness' of the competitions conducted.

A rather large group in total, we prefer to remain anonymous. However, one thing about us is certain; we will not, and can not, tolerate corruption within the world of fanfiction, in particular the awards sites.

However, we must stress that we have to be taken seriously and the claims must be genuine. If a claimant has deliberately falsely accused another of fraud and other various 'fanfiction crimes', they will be dealt with accordingly. Just as a claim proven beyond reasonable doubt gives us means to deal with the accused.

All our informants remain anonymous. If you wish to become an informant, of sorts, and act as another anonymous member of our force, do not hesitate to contact us. However, it does not provide immunity if you are to come under suspicion youself.

All the convicted 'criminals' have been put in the Dog House

To notify us, please email us at:

This site is very new and so is regularly under construction

The Doghouse