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Heya! This is my page dedicated to my characters on the awesome online massively multiplayer game "The Sims Online".

This is a picture of the character choice screen. Showing the character, the city/server they are in, and home.

This is my secondary character Erionne. You'll either find here skilling, making pizza's or causing trouble with her friend MandiAnn. She is Living in East Jerome.

To See more on Erionne Click Here

This is my main character Lelika, Currently she is living at her home Ald Redaynia. A area of land she hopes to develope into a succesful Drama/Improve, Play House. Where you can also work on you creativity skill, and then make money with it with certain objects! A place for all sims to go to enjoy acting and all forms of other art expressions, aswell as a place to relax and have fun.

*~(Notice her charming ora of sculls, electric bolts, and deadly smoke! Inviting isn't it?)~*

This is Vlygar the Simple, I'm not really sure how he got on my character choice screen...but one day he just felt like letting himself onto it I guess. Honestly I don't mind I just like to give him a hard time. Hopeful what I share with you about him, wont make him resort to any harsh punishment for me.

Vlygar is a Mark III Synthetic Humanoid, Aqua Model. He posses a Mark VIII artificial intelligence program which allows him a full range of emotions. Occasionally he has been said to have small urge to destroy the world or tinker with small mechanical devices untill they are a much smaller version of the same device with the same functions, or a much larger version with no functions. His Intentions in his home town Alphaville, is to create a labratory beneath an ordinary looking home where he can make a robo-clone army.

I really don't mind the idea of him causing havok upon the city of Alphaville, I mean really that town is just a bunch of fat head, number ones. Although the destroy the world fits do make me a bit uneasy.