Do you want somthing added to the website? Just email me and I'll try to make it happen. Make it understoop that this is your website, and I want you to have complete control over what happens in it's contents. If you have some pictures, messages, comments, or anything else you want added. email me. You can also IM me your comments and questions. You may also share your ideas with me. New content, sections, and other things like that.
Got any comments that you want to send me, any suggestions for the site. Like I mentioned above, this is your site and I will respect and take into consideration anything that you have to say.
IM Me! My AOL/AIM screen name is c0mputerdood. Please note that the "o" in computer is a number zero .

Contact Others
Here is the place where you can contact your other classmates.

Brandon O'Neal

Cote' Ryland

Andre' LeBlanc

Brittany Alwell

Chantel Davis

Crystal Cambell

Danielle Cole

Mrs. Peggy LeBlanc

Heather Neill

Josh Sasser

Kayla Paul

Mrs. Michelle Paul

Megan Smith

Sami Huffman

If you would like to have your name and email address here, email me.
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