Human science involves human scientists, and thus human science is not an abstraction which exists apart from human beings.
Pertaining to existing natural phenomena and origins of such which human scientists observe and touch [First John 1:1], then analyze and describe (technically or more simplistically - whether in the format of mathematical formulas and equations, complex semantics, etc.), it almost goes without saying that genuine scientists perceive what - in fact - does exist around them....at least with the understanding that they would not be able to comprehend nor interact with whatever or whoever did not exist, which non-existent whatevers or whoevers could in no way be measured nor related to reality.
Christian natural scientists have a noble and honored legacy to emulate, ranging not only from the renown Hebrew creation-scientist Moses who wrote the Pentateuch (which includes the Genesis account (or "story" if one understands the word in a proper sense), but also the astute psychological, astrophysical, and geophysical writings of that ancient eastern scientist of the Old Testament called Job (please pause to speed-read passages within Job 5, 6, 9, 14, 24, 26, 28, 31, 36, 37, 38-41 if you are of near-Mensa-quality IQ), which dissertations are concordant with those of the Jewish astrophysicist and theologian Saint Paul (slowly ponder First Corinthians 15:41) - all of which are congruent with Romans 1:19-21, reminding us that:
"...what may be known about God is manifest to them, because God has shown it to them.
The invisible things of Him since the creation of the world are clearly seen,
even His eternal power and Godhead, so they are without excuse.
When they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, neither were thankful,
but became futile in their thinking.
Claiming to be wise, they became fools....
At this point it is expedient to proclaim the serious impropriety for anyone to continue a discussion or dialog with anyone else who seriously does not believe nor admit - right from the start - that entities of reality do exist around him or her. The inspired imperatives of "Do not associate with one who speaks foolishly" and "Leave the presence of a fool" and "Do not speak in the presence of a fool, lest he despise the wisdom of your words" profoundly applies to those of a nefarious attitude who hatefully spew out copious amounts of inapplicable absurd slander with or without strangely-construed expletives, obnoxiously pouring out derogatory belittlement emanating from their inanely-pathetic deliberately-mindless misconceptions and misinformation. There is no basis nor hope trying to communicate with anyone who will not relate to reality.
For instance, moronic fools who question or disdain "Intelligent Design" are a prime example of despicably pseudo-"educated" ignoramuses who society is unfortunately but only temporarily burdened with. OBVIOUSLY there is intelligent design in practically everything humans observe and touch. Designs are of course not recognized as "intelligent" by froward or dishonest fools who themselves are anything but intelligent or respectably knowledgeable. The reader is directed to previously-mentioned, proverbial, anti-fool admonitions.
Now, you the reader notice that The HOLY BIBLE was alluded to beforehand. Those of you immediately prejudiced against such religious reference and unwilling to tolerate inclusion of such in a scientific context are strongly advised to promptly read elsewhere and not continue to consternate yourself. IF, however, you are an authentic open-minded natural scientist - willing to consider and explore, thoroughly investigate and exhaustively analyze all (and ALL is meant!) sources of possibly-vital and crucial information (which is obviously not self-destructive against you to use) in scientific search - you will of course bear with reference to that most highly-respected Source of Truth known as The HOLY BIBLE as available in at least the best of the KJV, RSV, NASV, and pertinent other English translations. Again, if you are not willing to so do, you should - in all fairness - promptly put this aside, ignore the remainder of what follows, and continue in your self-imposed delusions. Take seriously what was stated in the previous sentence.
Not only is it obvious that natural entities in fact exist around us, but - by logical and legitimate deduction - it is reasonable to assume (not presume) and deduce that those [physical] entities:
(1) did not always exist previous to our perceiving their existence, and
(2) were created, formed, or became existent by and because of some Creator, Entity, Being, etc.
That Entity is arbitrarily given a singular and not plural identification at this point, and the singular Entity's Name was capitalized, for two reasons:
1. The Creative Entity is obviously greater than what He, She, or It created, and
2. The Entity is superior to humans and human scientists in every way imaginable and non-imaginable, though clearly and logically not at all incapable of relating info to humans if, as, then when and how much "He" (The Entity) desired, desires, and will desire.
We bonafide natural scientists even explore, analyze, and comment upon created phenomena relating to social mores both regarding and concerning human interactions of a psychological and spiritual nature. For example, it is obvious that both human abortion and homosexuality are quite unnatural - being that the end result of such aberrations is clearly: extinction. Reproducing humankind is IMPOSSIBLE by those who commit (and please do not instead [mis]use the term: "perform") abortive murder (against what the literal and identical dual-purpose Greek word brephos of Luke 1:41 and Luke 2:16 term "babes" both pre-born and already-born, keeping in mind that the Greek word for "a son" in Luke 1:36 is in no way synonymous with merely: "a fetus"). Likewise relating to the subject of non-reproductiveness (not at all a logical synonym for "choice"), homo-effeminate sodomy (proscribed by Leviticus 20:13, Romans 1:26-27, and First Corinthians 6:9-10) is not conducive to propagating the human species, but instead exterminates them. Anatomically and erotically speaking, homosexuality is ridiculously counterproductive and woefully dissatisfying pertaining to the male/female protuberations and indentations available for non-lust/non-defiling remarkably-exhilarating sexual arousal and sensual fulfilment. Medically speaking, both are diabolically abusive physiologically, and disasterous genetic malformations quickly occur and speedily multiply because of same-sex reproductive-fluids contact, commonly manifested as no-cure-available AIDS and cancers. Therefore, it is quite expected and gratefully welcomed for sensible humans to despise, ridicule, and punish those who are intent on committing such insidiously hateful and cruel anti-social pollution of such a private and personal nature - malicious homicide to various degrees and extents against every human creature on the planet.
Closely and honestly observing natural phenomena, we natural scientists also readily construct the best scenario we can when considering origins. In doing so, we have always seen that never in recorded human history in ANY source has any lifeform which or who one could reasonably classify as a "kind" (i.e. specie) EVER reproduced into another "kind." Trans-kind reproduction has never happened - even once. Ever. Which - by inexorable default - ties in with the sarcastic truism of Job 11:12 which states that "A stupid man will get understanding, when a wild donkey's colt is born a man." Such forthright remarks do increase the credibility of The Bible, as do the pit-digging, log-splitting, precipitational, and inertial maxims of Ecclesiastes chapters 10 and 11.
There are NO "transitional" kinds. Even mutations merely cause deformed offspring, which grotesque anomalies are thankfully NON-reproductive. And though to ignorant, impatient, and carelessly-unobservant pseudo-"scientists," purported "experts," and alleged "specialists" pre-adult and fully-adult lifeforms SEEM so similar as to be PRESUMED (not assumed) "identical," we qualified and documented scientists who perform intricate and extremely-minute microbiological observations and analyses of both lifeforms as a whole and especially of each of their sometimes nearly-molecular fully-functioning close-to-incredibly-complex body parts and functioning testify that all such lifeforms are VASTLY different from each other - indeed! To an astronomical extent!
Analogies have been made pertaining to such ALREADY-FULLY-functioning organisms right from the start. Both a computer and an automobile will NOT start nor run unless ALL of their required sundry parts are fully-formed and fully-functional simultaneously. The same principle succinctly applies to the initial and sustained survival of lifeform individuals inherently the fittest and those who happen to continuously accomodate to their changeable environment. The aforementioned (as you have just read) did not "evolve" separately over either brief time periods nor thousands nor millions nor billions of years of presumed time spans. Time periods have never, do not now, nor ever will, cause lifeform creation, viability, reproduction, and particularly not variations nor adaptations.
Even the factor of coincidental CHANCE is - [logically] - never cause nor means of causing trans-kind lifeform progression or digression. Explosions in a printing factory have never yet resulted in the appearance of a dictionary. NOR - [to the sane mind not worthy of incarceration in an asylum] - will any dictionary ever appear because of such. Electric sparks in any-chemical-atmospheric sea slime merely and always result only in ionized mud. Bulk-tape-erasing magnetically-sensitive cassette tapes, disks, and biochips always disaligns previously-aligned magnetically-sensitive particles in completely-chaotic random dispersion.
The study of origins, as you might guess, goes far beyond what is presently observable in the physical realm of nature. Rather than resorting to belligerantly attacking anti-evolution disbelievers with rudely-adament vehemence and even nearly-assaultive, dangerously-threatening-and-intimidating authority superlatives in violently propagating the non-laughably silly fable of either macro OR microevolution, we scientific professionals are quite willing to instead quietly and nonashamedly turn to that one intriguing Source previously mentioned which so far leads to the only scientific theory we experts and scholars apparently will not have to falsify. We certainly are not of those first-class FOOLS who proudly proclaim that they not only have no clue regarding origins but also do not really want to discover the answer even if there is one. Such deplorable deviancy is beneath us of a superior mentality in upper-echelon cognizance.
The inescapable fact (not theory) of ALWAYS-like-kind reproduction of lifeforms has been stated and established as the given mechanism (disallowing illogical presumption of evolutionary transitions) from geological-history-records, strata-and-fossil-comparative, radiometric-dating-experimentational kind-to-kind differentiation. But as to the beginning origin of "primal" ancestors, even there one cannot remain in the self-imposed self-incriminating realm of dishonestly declaring that he or she simply has absolutely no clue as to how things all started and especially GOT started, because there is the science of theology and that Book previously cited, disclosing that "God" created lifeforms "from the earth" (Genesis 1:24) and "out of the ground" (Genesis 2:19). The exact timing (a.m. or p.m.) for not the "birth" but rather the creation of already-fully-functional adult lifeforms, was and is not specified within the Biblical record of Creation Week, but we do have an overall picture as described in Genesis chapter one and two in the opening part of The Bible. Incidently, Creation Week with respect to Exodus 20:11 explicitly stating "six days" correlates with the Hebrew word yom in the first chapter of Genesis - which yom ALWAYS and ONLY means a 24-hour period when combined with the Hebrew idiomatic phrase: "and there was evening and there was morning..." repeatedly found throughout Genesis chapter one.
If [erroneous] belief in evolution mythology is considered a "religion" of superstitious dogma - rather than accredited SCIENCE based upon truthful and honest observation and declaration of natural phenomena, it is thus, of course, a FALSE and HERETICAL religion - not suitable for sane and sensible students in public schools. Public tax dollars acquired through ballot referendums and levies must not be allocated to nor wasted upon the irrationality of evolutionists and their non-scientific anti-scientific PSEUDO-"curriculum."
Evolution (concocted largely by Charles Darwin, who - it has been said - admitted the insipiency of natural selection in the sixth edition of his Origin of Species) is better described as IR-religious, because - unlike most other religions which search for a deity - evolution irreligion is ANTI-God, ANTI-Deity, and ANTI-Scripture. And, the foolish, non-sensical, and illogical pronouncement that "physical objects merely originated from themselves" is not worth contemplating - even for a moment.
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