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Experimental Lightsaber Pictures

These are our experimental lightsaber pictures several of my friends and myself have constructed. Tony built the lightsaber handles in his woodshop class on a wood lathe (the double bladed he did not construct, it was simply a wooden bo used for martial arts and threw blades on the ends). Stephen posed for a couple shots, but other than that he was usually the photographer. Edan... well... yeah... he was there and held a lightsaber handle. And me, yeah, I'm the awsome looking guy that could kick all their asses. :D I'm the only one of them out of them all that has really any martial arts experience so I helped a lot with posing and had a bunch of cool ideas. Yeah, so that's that. First page was our first day of really trying this out. There's a couple pictures from earlier in the day and then a bunch from later that night. Second lot is of another night when we were taking pictures. They're all done in my backyard and some on the roof of my house (yeah, we're crazy, but what the hell, makes for interesting poses). Third shoot are some more we made later that are still all around my house but has a few others besides being strictly in my backyard. Forth page is some gifs I made. That's what happens when you have too much free time... ;) Anyway! Enjoy it and have fun.






Shoot One

Shoot Two

Shoot Three

The Girls




All pictures were made using Adobe Photoshop and using LIA's
Photoshop action sets which can be found
here. Also, lightsabers, Star Wars,
and all such things are copyright of LucasFilm Ltd.

Problems, comments, reccomendations, questions,
please direct them to me at