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My Governmental Views

Ok, I have some government problems here with the US and other countries. I'll first be focusing on how capitalism is good and the benefits of the US government, but then I'll critique the US.

Ok, so let's see here: communism. There's a dandy word for you. Reagan referred to Russia as the "evil empire" in the 80's, only to become Gorbachev's good friend 5 yrs later. Now, I'm not one of those "anti-Russian" types of guys that hate Russians and want to blow them up; on the contrary, I support Russia because thy realize that their government sucks and they're trying to adapt to a better one: democracy.
Now, here's the deal- on paper, communism is good, but it can't work out in real life. I sorta liked communism, but then I woke up when I realized what it was all about. Sure, you want to "equalize" everything, but what the hell does that mean anyways? Take from the rich, give to the poor, right? WRONG!
Rob from those who sacrificed everything to get where they are to give to people that are too poor and don't care to even notice that they can't afford clothes. So you're gonna tell me that my father, who worked his ass off to support us, is gonna get his money taken away from him because we're upper class? I don't think so pal.
Capitalism is good. Free trade and free market is good. Competition is good. Like I said with my father, we were sorta poor, and he got a good job, worked hard, and now we're upper class. So you're gonna take away his life, hard work and dedication to give it to some poor guy who doesn't care? I'll beat the bejevers out of you if you try it.
We need competition because it helps keep prices fair. Gas is 1.51 for a reason: there are a shitload of gas stations out there. You think that if there were 1 gas station per ever 10 miles or so that it would be 1.51? Hell no, it would be at least 2.00 because that's the only place to get it! When you limit the stores that sell these goods, then since there is a lot of demand and little supply, you skyrocket the price to get benefits. Once you obtain a lot of money, then you're rich. Rich = capitalism. Capitalism = bad for Russians. Is something wrong here?

Now for some bad points with this country- capital punishment. Mother of God, just legalize cruel and unusual punishment! I'm all for it- I'm an independent. Put it this way- you have a guy who just tortured and killed 40 people. Your options are a.) put him in jail for the rest of his life, or b.) kill him. Either way, it's gonna cost a hell of a lot of money. Let's examine both of these.
a.) When you put someone in jail, that takes up space. Space needs money, money is given by who? TAXPAYERS! YAY! Now that we're all on the same page, why do we need jails? Just put these people in Idaho or some place and let them kill each other. Instead of having millions of our tax dollars go to babysitting camps for people who don't know the rules, PUNISH THEM!
b.) Kill them- what a great way to flex the muscles. But again, cost is a factor. Lethal injection costs what, $20k or some shit like that? Forget it! You're gonna charge me $20k for a guy who just murdered my family? Here's the best part- they sterilize them too! What's the difference if you sterilize a guy? He's gonna die anyways! My solution- inject them with air, and then they'll have some fun.
My total solution- torture them! Sure, it's unethical, illogical, immoral and just plain stupid, but isn't the government? Wouldn't it be fun to have fields trips where you can see a guy who tortured someone to death being tortured themselves by being burned slowly or cut apart piece by piece? Now that would be fun! Unemployment? What unemployment? You're gonna tell me that people wouldn't want those types of jobs?
I love this country, I really do. What other place can you mock the government and at the same time hate other countries? China? HAHAHAHA! You've got a good sense of humor there. Canada? Don't even get me STARTED on Canadia! That place is so messed up full of geese, cannucks, hockey and ice that it's now #1 on my list of places to blow up.

That's it for now, I'll be sure to rant later. Thanks for listening kids. Remember- THE IRS = THEIRS!
