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Things to Do and Places to Go Before I Die

Things to Do Before I Die

-Learn a martial art (possibly Aikido or Jeet Kune Do)
-2 girls at the same time
-Learn all of German (I know partial)
#-Learn to cook outdoors style (hunting, fishing, etc.)
-Go to Mardi Gras
-Complete all Zelda games (beat Ocarina of Time so far)
-Meet Kato (friend in MI) :)
-Buy a pick-up truck and drive cross-country through the countryside
-Buy a small country home
-Learn to fence (Highlander)
-Buy a small bar
-Make love on a beach
-Build a house
-Star in a porno
-Learn Ventriloquism
-Get a tattoo
-Date an older woman (15+ yrs)
-One word: redhead

#- I don't hunt, but I was thinking more of simply learning the process of how to cook animals and stuff......wildnerness survival.

Places to Visit

-Tokyo/Kyoto, Japan (Saw Lost in Translation and always wanted to go to Kyoto anyways)
-Northern Northern Canada (see wilderness survival above)

My Links

Home page
