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Time Travel Theory

Well, it's time for my theory on time travel. Time travel is pretty much impossible, and I'll state so by proving a few theories of my own.

How does time travel work? Well, in order to travel in the future, you must travel at the speed of light, which is impossible by our standards. Think about it: how can someone travel at the speed of light? And beyond that, even if you did, what type of structure would surround you? You would need to be in a structure that wouldn't melt, since traveling that fast would cause tremendous heat exposure. So what would you travel in, and how would you get the means to travel?
Also, how do you know when to stop? You pull the lever to hit the speed of light, but how do you know that if you hit the lever a second later, you won't end up 50 billions yrs into the future?

Now, in order to travel backward in time, you would need to go the reverse speed of light, if that's even possible. No one knows how to travel backward in time, and there aren't even any theories out there! This theory is incomplete.

And now to the grand finish: the paradox theory!
This basically states that you can't go back in time and erase something because how could you have erased it?
Put it this way: you make a time travel machine to go back in time and you kill yourself when you were born, so what happens?
a.) You kill yourself, which means that the time travel machine isn't invented and you don't kill yourself, but do you? If you weren't born, then you didn't create the time machine to kill yourself, so do you end up still living?
b.) You kill yourself, so the time machine is still made. How exactly does this work? If you didn't invent the time machine in the first place, you can't kill yourself......or can you?

Confusing, isn't it? There's no real way out of this and the theories are really paradoxical. If you travel in time, there are a lot of consequences to doing so, and even if you could achieve the speed of light in some metallic bubble that doesn't burn up, you can still suffer many risks, such as your bubble being blown up as you were traveling forward (your bubble is stationary, so it wouldn't move, so someone could come along and blow it up, along with you in it) or other dangers.

That's it for now. Questions? Concerns? Theories of your own? Email me!

-Dr. Brando

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