1. Whenever you pick up a weapon or have a weapon handed to you ALWAYS carry out the NSP's, whether it is your own or someone else's, ALWAYS examine it to ensure that it is NOT loaded.
2. NEVER point a weapon at anyone - even in fun.
3. ALWAYS handle a weapon so that it points in a SAFE direction, so that there is no danger if a round is accidentally fired.
4. NEVER rest the muzzle of a loaded weapon, or a weapon "made safe" against your body. Similarly, do not hold a weapon with your hand placed on the muzzle.
5. Weapons will NEVER be carried in VEHICLES either loaded or in a "made safe" state.
6. YOU will NOT fire any weapon until such time as you have been fully trained, exercised and tested to be capable of safely handling the weapon.
7. When handing the weapon to someone else, SHOW/PROVE to them first that it is SAFE and in an UNLOADED STATE.
8. When anyone hands you a weapon - NO MATTER WHO THEY ARE - INSIST THAT THEY SHOW/PROVE IT TO YOU.