oh, yes... we have fun at Cesmachine International...

Out of this Page, the list is constructed of things I have done... the IQ taest is 40 questions... (tell me your score and I'll tell you mine!) Don't forget to sign the guestbook to tell me what you think! If you go to Tickle.com, you'll see the IQ test! Try it out! it's pretty cool; make sure you have about 15-20 minutes to finish.

The new Dancing Baby page is hilarious! You'ce got to read this, and tell me what you think!

MORE fun stuff coming soon!
This is the PHOTO ALBUM SLIDESHOW of Delva and I, by request! Self explanatory!!

OK, this is brand new.. AS PROMISED a creative writing page. That's Songs/ Poetry/ Stories/ whatever you feel to type within some restraint. HAVE FUN and enjoy reading! I call this soulspeech

Ha-Ha... This is interesting... I like to send people to Tickle.com. They have fun things, like this " Player Style " Questionnaire. It will tell you what kind of street-savvy homey you REALLY are. It may not 100% pertain to you, but it is fun to play along! Let me show you what MY final result was:

Cesaron, your player style is Happenin' You want to be there when it happens. That's what keeps you on top of everything that's going on. Whether you find yourself hanging in the hottest new restaurant, catching the latest underground poets, or starting the hippest new party scene, you're sure to be the VIP wherever you go.
Always working a new angle about something or someone, you're not afraid to show off your smarts or be a little aloof to those who don't quite get it. Got it?

>> Animations!! Don't forget to check out the animations/movie page! A must see!

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