Chibi Fantasy

Welcome to the tribute site for the Fanfic parody Chibi Fantasy. Here you will learn about the various character of the Chibiania world including never before seen secret information on there lifes including Alcohol Tolenrance and limit break manuvers.

Aeris aka Brittany: is a flowerchild and makes her living selling weed outside of the streets of Chibiania. She is always mellow and constantly being killed by sephiroth She provides the team with mystical knowlegde and an occasional white magic spell and her questionable 'PMS' limit break which even the gods themselves fear.

Barrett is the angry trash talking Leader of Landslide, an anti-disney organization. Barrett blames the loss of his arm to a deadly accident involving a disney rollercoaster. Stronger that weak old gym stocks and meaner than everclear, Barrett's foes rarely get the chance to cross him twice. Limit breaks: ONSLAUGHT and DRIVEBY

Cloud is the prettyboy of the group. Levelheaded, honest, loyal deadly with his sword, Cloud lends his mercenary skills to the party along with a strong sense of leadership. He often says what is on his mind often to the regret of his friends and Fiancee Tifa. But what he lacks in good judgment he more than makes up in Valor and his golden heart. LIMIT BREAK: FAULTLESS ANGEL

Cid: An apathy filled, rough and tumble Captian that doesn't take crap from anyone. He once out drank a weapon and his spear fighting techniques are unmatched. Cynical and blunt with his comments, Cid is the fearless voice of reason to the team. More than once enemies have mistook Cid for a drunken disheveled burnout, unfortunately they usually don't get a change to learn from the mistake. LIMIT BREAK: DRUNKEN RAGE and BOOM

Fearless and peerless in her gunblade techinque. Mirage is perhaps the deadliest member of the team. Tall and Beautiful, Mirage's benevolent heart and good nature are often masked by her warriors spirit and her strick adherance to the Warrior's Code. Cid is constantly attempting to put the moves on her. LIMITBREAK: HAUNTING VORTEX RAZOR

Sephiroth "Sephy" : Famed warrior of SOLDIER and deadly enemy of our team. Ambigously gay, sephy enjoys his fame and villianous power Beneath his evilness beats the heart of a good but misunderstood man. Using his outrageously long sword and the rare legendary sword techinque, Our heroes and the entire planet have reason to fear this queer. LIMIT BREAK: ARROGANT SERAPH

Besides being a pop star in Chibiania and having enormous boobs, Tifa is a serious martial artist with a giving and warm hearted nature. While she is perceived as a slut and often resorts to using her looks instead of her head, she is extremely devoted to Cloud and would do anything for him. LIMIT BREAK: JIGGLE FLASH and SLUTTY POLE DANCE

