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Starting Derivatives

The Rules:

Basic derivatives- the derivative of x^n is n(x^n-1)...simple enough.

Product Rule- the derivative of [f(x)g(x)] is f(x)g'(x) + f '(x)g(x)

Quotient Rule- the derivative of [f(x)/g(x)] is (g(x)f '(x) - f(x)g'(x))/ (g(x))^2

Trigonometric Derivatives:

d/dx sinx = cosx

d/dx cosx = -sinx

d/dx tanx = sec^2(x)

d/dx cscx = -cscxcotx

d/dx secx = secxtanx

d/dx cot = -csc^2(x)

And Now for the Chain Rule:

The derivative of (x-c)^n is n(d/dx of (x-c))(x-c)^(n-1) It looks fancy, but it's not.

All of these rules can be combined to find the derivative of many different equations.



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