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Chapter 2: The Approaching Storm

[Companion Music To This Part]

The clap of lightning fills the dense air of the Jedi facility. The cracks of the sound repeat over and over, as if to announce the end of the galaxy is near. Then a sudden silence languished. Within this brief silence, two voices make themselves known. “Surely you can do better than that” says the first voice. More sharp crackles of thunderous sound fill the air along with brilliant flashes of bluish-green light from an unknown source. “Ahhh…much better than before, but your efforts are still much too weak to defeat me,” says the first voice. A second voice then replies aggressively with “You’ll find that I am full of surprises.” More roaring claps of sound fill the air for another few seconds. Then a sudden silence yet again and shortly after the sound of lightsabres powering down can be heard. “Not bad, young Zacom” says the first voice. “With a sly grin, Jedi Knight Soran Zacom replied with “Thank you Lord Rusan.” With a stern look, Lord Rusan then told her “Still…you have much to learn my young Jedi. Your sabre skills are excellent, but I sensed your extreme over eagerness and lack of control. Had I been a true adversary, I could have easily turned that to my favor and defeated you handily. You must learn to control you emotions above all else when in battle.” “Yes I will continue to try, master,” replied Zacom. As they began to exit the training grounds, Lord Rusan reminded Zacom to remember the words of the great Jedi Lord Yoda. “Do or do not…there is no try young Jedi. This is the same as with being one with the light side or the dark side, young Zacom, because there is no in-between.” Both Jedi then stopped and bowed to each other in a mutual understanding, and entered the great hall of the Jedi Temple.

Some time later, a young Padawan came rushing toward both of the Jedi. When he approached them, he said nothing but merely bowed in respect and handed Lord Rusan a sealed document. He bid the Jedi farewell and sprinted away just as fast as he had come. With a puzzled look on here face, Rusan reached out with the force to make sure the package wasn’t a dangerous fake, and when she sensed it was a normal letter, she quickly opened it up. As she read the letter, her puzzled look turned to that of disbelief:

My most respectful tidings to you, M’Lord. I have some news of the kind which you will not like to read of, but which you must. Last night, my Padawan, Jedi Knight Saskuan Rendili, and myself encountered two Sith in the private apartments of the Juvex sector of the city. We had to break into a private apartment to apprehend them, as per Jedi Security Force Code dictates, but they managed to narrowly escape capture. Of great alarm is that they were within the residence of Ambassador Perch Tewhi. This has made my Padawan and I very suspicious of Tewhi’s affiliation with the Sith, but I don’t wish to jump to conclusions my Lord. I will speak to you more on these matters at afternoon mealtime. – Jedi Master Perel Buwat

With a pronounced dread and guilt in her voice, Lord Rusan queried Zacom with “The Sith were on the same planet as we, yet their presence we did not sense. Jedi Zacom, have we become so blind in the Force that we could neither foresee this nor sense it as it happened?” Zacom gave her a look of concern. “M’Lord, the Sith have been building their power ever since the deaths of Vader and Palpatine. They have been eluding us since then. And it is our fault that it has gotten to this point, my Lord. We chose the path of contentment rather than the path of resolve. All the while we have been idle against them, they have been building up for war against the Jedi and the Republic!” Sensing the agitation and disgust in Zacom’s voice, Rusan answered her wild ravings. “Do not be so quick to judge, my young Jedi. You still have much to learn of the living Force. Do not forget that the Sith are rooted in tradition. They abide by the arcane rule of two, which poses little or no threat to us. Even though the dark side has been clouding my use of premonition, a large buildup of a Sith army is something I would see most clearly.” Zacom quickly snapped back. “I don’t mean to disagree with you master, but my dreams as of late have told me otherwise. I have seen a Sith army built up against us and the New Republic.” “Dreams pass in time, my young Jedi. Now clear your mind of questions and follow me to the dining hall” replied Lord Rusan. As she walked towards the dining hall, she couldn’t help but wonder about the dreams Zacom said she was having. Could it be true that the Sith were more numerous than two? It seemed impossible to her as she stretched out with the Force for the answers she sought. If the Sith were more numerous, surely she would have sensed it. After all, she was the most powerful Jedi in the galaxy. Yet, it still puzzled her that young Zacom had possibly had premonitions through her dreams, yet Rusan couldn’t see into the future with any success. That meant only one of two things. Either Zacom was more powerful in the Force than anyone realized, or she was delving dangerously close to the dark side. Rusan’s questions only left her wanting and with more questions than answers.

As she and Zacom approached the dining hall, Master Buwat came up to greet them. “I bid thee welcome, my Lord and young Zacom. Please this way…I have reserved a table for us” said Master Buwat. As she led them over to the table, Buwat’s apprentice, Janard Kalitaj, came running to them. With labored breathing, she greeted them all. “I apologize, master, for my lack of punctuality.” “That’s quite alright, young Padawan. Please just have a seat with us” replied Master Buwat. “I shall waste no time, Lord Rusan. While on a routine security tour of the private apartments, we sensed a cold spot in the Force emanating from Ambassador Tewhi’s quarters. We demanded to be let in, but no one answered. Saskuan proceeded to ignite both of his blades and ripped the entrance to pieces. We then discovered that no one was inside the apartment, but we sensed an evil force on the balcony. After Saskuan smashed through the transparisteel, we pursued the fleeing Sith. They barely escaped us as their speeder blasted off just before we could reach them. Saskuan wasn’t satisfied…and he attempted to apprehend them on his own. I used my powers of Farsight to pursue them spiritually…” Lord Rusan cut in with “Where is Saskuan now, Master Buwat?” “He…he lost his grip on the speeder and fell…he’s dead my Lord, I’m so sorry,” replied Master Buwat with tears in her eyes. Saddened, Lord Rusan reached out with her feelings. “So young Rendili has become one with the Force…prematurely. Rest assured, Master Buwat, his murder shall not go unpunished. I also have a favor to ask of you Master Buwat. I want you to call a high council meeting this evening to discuss the current events.” Yes Lord Rusan, I will do so,” replied Master Buwat. After their meal, Zacom and Lord Rusan took a walk into the great hall to ponder everything that was going on. “Master” said Zacom, “what role do you think Ambassador Tewhi has to play in all of this? I mean does it not make you the least bit suspicious that her private, and I emphasize PRIVATE, residence was occupied by the Sith” asked Zacom. “My young Jedi…remember that the Force empowers individuals who can wield it. The Sith, as well as a Jedi for that matter, could easily break into a residence undetected by using their skills. I believe it’s merely a coincidence that they ended up in Ambassador Tewhi’s residence. As you know, she is a very loyal servant to the Republic who has…” “…All the more reason to be a traitor” cut in Zacom. Having become increasingly frustrated by young Zacom’s lack of faith in Ambassador Tewhi, Lord Rusan merely shook her head in disappointment and bade Zacom to continue on her way. Suddenly, out of the rear hall behind Lord Rusan came a hysterical messenger. “Lord Rusan! Lord Rusan” he exclaimed, “the Jedi Temple is under attack by the unknown forces who have been attacking the colonies!” “Impossible” declared Lord Rusan, “how do you know this for sure?” “My Lord” he ranted, “your theory was correct, for their ships bear the insignia of the Sith!” And with that, Rusan, Zacom, and the messenger all ran towards the Jedi Temple.

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