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Chapter 4: Fueling The Fire From Within

[Companion Music To This Part]

The Ambassador grew restless in her seat, so she rose to take a gaze out of the view port. As she took a long look, the familiar yet unremarkable skyline of Coruscant greeted her. She sighed with boredom. How she longed to travel the galaxy again as she had in her younger days. Perch Tewhi was a person of very few words, but when her job required her to do so…she could argue and negotiate with the best the galaxy had to offer. As New Republic Ambassador to the Ssi-ruuk star cluster and alien race, her position in the government was one of the most crucial to maintaining peace in the galaxy. The Ssi-ruuk aliens had started a war in the outer rim decades ago against the New Republic and the remnants of the Empire. A truce between the Republic and the Empire was quickly reached thereafter as they both strove to fight against their common enemy. Also, had it not been for the Republic Navy, the Imperial Navy would have been annihilated at the Bakura system by the Ssi-ruuk Armada. After that monstrous battle, both sides agreed to an armistice treaty. The outlines of the treaty decreed that neither the Republic nor the Empire would invade or expand into Ssi-ruuk space, and vice-versa for the Ssi-ruuk into Republic or Empire space. That treaty was signed nearly 5 decades ago. Only 3 years ago had the New Republic and the Empire signed a pact that absorbed the remnants of the Empire into the Republic, officially ending the galactic civil war that had lasted nearly 80 long years. Ambassador Tewhi was one of the undersigned of that pact. For the time since then, the Republic was the sole ruling government in the known galaxy (excepting the Ssi-ruuk) and enjoyed peace throughout. All was not well in the galaxy despite all this. A rogue Imperial Officer, identified as Lieutenant Balst Rarow by the former Imperials who were now a part of the Republic military, voiced his defiance of the treaty and disappeared along with a multitude of Star Destroyers and something else as well that was very, very vital to the…”Ambassador”, came a voice form outside her chamber which disturbed her moment of deep thought, ”the chancellor is attempting to contact you.” “Very well” replied Tewhi as she walked over to the holo projector. “How can I be of service, your grace” asked Tewhi. “Ambassador Tewhi…I bid you welcome home. I trust that your trip to the Ssi-ruuk cluster was productive. In any case Ambassador, the capital has been in a state of emergency ever since yesterday afternoon. We endured an attack by one of the missing Star Destroyers.” “No” exclaimed Tewhi with a surprised facial expression that looked almost forced. “Yes…I’m afraid that a political faction in opposition to the Republic is responsible. It is a dangerous situation if they indeed control all of the missing Star Destroyers.” “The Sith have all the Star Destroyers” she asked, too late to catch her mistake. “How did you know that, Ambassador” replied the Chancellor. “Oh…why…I…looked it up…in the Jedi archives of course. The Jedi are having a difficult time seeing into the future, which in their records points to a rise of the faction they call “the Sith”. I assumed that it is they who are behind the attacks as well,” said Tewhi with a sigh of relief that she had just averted a disaster. “A correct assumption, Ambassador. The Jedi identified the Sith markings on the attacking ships. Perhaps it is you who possesses Jedi powers Ambassador,” said the Chancellor jokingly as Tewhi shared in her laughter. “Again I welcome you back Ambassador, and I look forward to seeing you soon.” “Of course Chancellor. Tewhi out” she said as she clicked off the holo image.

Tewhi then hit a button on her console that sealed her quarters and covered the view ports. Her look of jubilation immediately turned to that of grim determination. “Lord Raze, come in” she demanded over the comm link. “This is Darth Scourge.” Immediately a holo image of the cloaked Sith Lord came up. “Yes my master” replied Raze. “What in the hell did you think you were doing, Lord Raze” asked Tewhi. “Concerning what” replied Raze. “Your attack yesterday on Coruscant, of course” exclaimed Tewhi. “My Lord…I saw an opportunity, and I took it to…” “An opportunity to conduct an assault without my authorization, no doubt” cut in Tewhi. A smirk began to form on Raze’s face over the holo. “In any case Lord Raze, I want to know of any and all future attacks, regardless of where I am at the time…understood,” asked Tewhi. “Yes of course, my master” replied Raze. “Now to business. I am pleased to inform you that the Ssi-ruuk have signed our secret treaty for the war against the Republic. They will join our forces when the time is right.” “Most excellent news” replied Raze. “Furthermore, how is your search coming along, Lord Raze?” “It has been difficult to try and locate the remains of Emperor Palpatine, my master, but I am confident that we will find him as well as the Kaiburr Crystal.” “You remember that we need that crystal to make our super weapon invincible, Lord Raze. Don’t fail me.” “Yes my master, we will find it soon enough” replied Raze. “Lastly…how is construction of the Hand of Devastation proceeding?” “Less than a week remains until completion. Our engineers have been working nonstop to finish the project.” “Excellent. You continue to do well Lord Raze. I’ll meet you in Endor by mid-week. Until then continue to oversee the project and await my orders.” And with that, Tewhi ended the transmission as her ship began the slow descent into Galactic City.

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