The Ambassador’s transport landed on the aerial platform with a gentle thud. “Back home again” she said with a hint of disappointment. As she headed down the exit ramp, she noticed a small security force transport arriving at the platform. “Curious” she thought to herself. As the security transport docked, a few security personnel came storming out and towards Tewhi. “Ambassador Tewhi”, said the lead guard, “you are being put under arrest for interrogation into matters of government espionage.” “Impossible! Espionage? Are you joking? I am an ambassador on my way back from work abroad” screamed Tewhi. “I’m sorry ambassador…we are just doing our job. The Jedi interrogators at the security compound will fill you in when you get there,” replied the guard. With that, they small squad of guards led her away.
Back on Dromund Kaas, Darth Raze was in the middle of his meditation when a shockwave in the Force ripped through his feelings. He sensed that his master was in danger. As he stood up to leave for his ship, he could feel the energy of the Sith Temple flow through him. He had landed here many years ago and found this hidden, ancient temple. He had decided to make it his permanent home for the time being. The power emanating from the ancient building enhanced his powers and deepened his hatred of the Jedi. Further along the way to his ship, he came upon a hallway with many Sith Mosaics painted on them. No doubt the masters who had painted these images were powerful, but Raze felt that he was possibly the most powerful Sith ever. Not even his master could achieve the kind of power that Raze wanted, for… Raze paused in his movement as he realized that he was lost to his thoughts and not focused on the task at hand. He gathered himself and swiftly headed for his transport.
The Ambassador could hardly have been any more nervous while she was waiting outside of the interrogation chamber, but she didn’t show it at all. A supernatural calm seemed to engulf her even with all that surrounded her. Inside of the chamber, she could sense that the Jedi and the security guards were discussing the events of two days ago. After a few tense minutes, one of the Jedi came out and led her inside the chamber. The Jedi very kindly asked her to sit down, and she obeyed. “You have my sincere apologies, Ambassador, if the guards seemed too hostile towards you” began the Jedi. As she glanced over to the other Jedi beside the first, she nodded in agreement. “Can either of you two tell me exactly what I am doing here? I mean as soon as I landed I was cuffed,” said Tewhi with a hint of frustration in her voice. “Well…let me be the first to say that no one is accusing you of anything, Ambassador…” “…then explain why I’m cuffed, master Jedi” she cut in with contempt. “We had a situation two days ago m’lady. Three of our security force Jedi came upon intruders in your private residence. These intruders were found out to be Sith Lords” said the Jedi in reply. “Sith Lords, you say,” queried Tewhi as she tried to act surprised. “Yes. Sith Lords. And judging by how they accessed the balcony, they must have had an easy in to your residence” said the Jedi. “So you’re saying that I let them use my residence purposely, master Jedi? You believe me to be in league with the demons you call the Sith? Master Jedi, if I may, how easy would it be for you or any other Jedi to infiltrate my residence” asked Tewhi. “Fairly easy, m’lady” replied the Jedi. “So then who is to say that these so-called Sith didn’t do likewise? Do they not possess the same powers as Jedi do?” “Yes, Ambassador…which is why as of now you are above suspicion. But an investigation will be made and you will be considered suspect until the evidence dictates otherwise” replied the Jedi. “Wonderful” said Tewhi in a sarcastic tone. “Now we will begin with the questioning if you are ready, Ambassador.”
Like a bolt of lightning, Raze’s transport came thundering out of hyperspace a short distance from the planet Coruscant. Raze slowed his approach as he tried to sense where his master was on the planet. Reaching out with his feelings, he finally located her presence at the security compound near her apartment. “Master Scourge can most certainly handle herself in a tough spot, but…” said Lord Raze to himself as he pondered a course of action. “I have an idea that will help to further cloak our actions from the New Republic” thought Raze as he sped off towards the planet’s surface.
“Now, ambassador, the way that this will work is as follows. We will ask you a question, and then you formulate the answer mentally. We will then read your answer by using our ability to do so” said the lead Jedi. With a sly but unnoticeable grin on her face, Tewhi nodded in agreement. “Question one…do you now or have you any associations with smugglers or bounty hunters” asked the lead Jedi. Tewhi closed her eyes and mentally formulated her answer. Then both of the Jedi closed their eyes and attempted to read her thoughts. Immediately both Jedi were thrown violently against the wall. “Master Jedi are you ok,” said Tewhi with concern. “Yes, we are ok” the Jedi both said in unison as they rose back up. “Please, just sit tight for a moment,” said the other Jedi. “As you wish,” replied Tewhi. Both Jedi then reached out again with the Force. This time, nothing happened. After a minute or so, they emerged from their meditative trance. “What is it?” asked Tewhi. “Well I’ll be blunt, Ambassador. We cannot read your thoughts. When we attempted to do so…well…you saw what happened. This is usually a sign of one of two things. Either you possess a powerful mind or are a Sith” replied the Jedi. “Oh so now you believe me to actually be a Sith huh” said Tewhi. “No”, said the Jedi, “my Padawan and I tried to sense if you have a dark aura about you, but there is none. So you see, you cannot be a Sith m’lady, if we cannot sense anything. “I should hope not,” she said in reply. Suddenly the Padawan cried out “Master Buwat I sense something evil coming!” “What? I don’t sense anything, my young apprentice,” replied Buwat. Moments later, a black glowing blade went knifing through the back wall of the chamber. “Ambassador get behind us” exclaimed Master Buwat as she and her Padawan ignited their sabers. With a roar and a blast, the rear wall collapsed. When the dust settled, a solitary black figure was standing among the debris with lightsabre in hand. Raze looked upon the shell-shocked Jedi, then at Tewhi. She gave him a nod to bid him continue. With a forward flip into the air, Raze engaged both Jedi at once. He struck down at Buwat first, raining hit after hit down on her blade. Then his blade locked into hers. He broke the lock and sent Buwat crashing through the interrogation table. He then spun to face her Padawan. They exchanged fast, swift saber strikes. As they fought, Buwat recovered and waited for Raze’s moment of vulnerability. But Raze soon caught the Padawan in a saber lock and took the opportunity to Force Push her into the ground. He sensed Buwat and reversed just in time to meet her blade as it came crashing down towards him. This time she drew him into the main hallway where she could maneuver more easily than in the small chamber. As they exchanged wide, sweeping strikes, Buwat sensed that Raze was becoming too eager in his fighting. After she brought a hard swing down on his blade, she quickly reversed her thrust and caught a small blow to his midsection. Raze yelled in pain, and his anger fueled the speed with which he now began to strike at Buwat. By now, her Padawan had regained herself and ran out into the hall to help her master. Raze, sensing the Padawan’s approach, used all of his energy towards dispatching Buwat. He sensed her growing fatigued, and used it to his advantage. He threw down a flurry of strikes upon her and then when she was unfocused for just a moment, used the Force to grip her by the neck. He raised her up with the Force, and sent her flying violently across the hall and into a far wall. Now it was he and the Padawan learner, one on one.
They exchanged more fast strikes and struck blades time after time and again. Raze was very impressed by her sabre skills. He could not manage to find a weak spot in her style. He rained hit after hit down on her, and each time her blade was there to meet each one. Sensing that Buwat had recovered and was running back up the hall towards him, Raze decided that it was time to go. “Sorry to cut this so short, young Jedi, but I have more important things to do than duel an inept Padawan. Oh and I’ll be taking the Ambassador with me as ransom bait! HAHA!” He quickly grabbed Tewhi from the chamber and ran away to his transport. Laughing maniacally as he fled, Raze looked back behind him…only to see that Buwat and the Padawan were in hot pursuit.
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