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Welcome To Darren's Website!

I am losing weight to help premature babies gain weight!

Welcome to my sponsored diet website!
The time has come when I really need to lose some weight, so as an extra motivational tool I have decided to have a sponsored diet. All money raised will go to Bliss, the premature baby charity. Why not click on the link below to Bliss to see what they are all about.
The diet:
I have decided to go for Carol Vorderman’s detox diet. This diet means I have to cut out every thing that tastes nice and eat boring vegetables and the like. Apparently I can’t drink any alcohol or anything with caffeine in either. What fun! Well it will be worth it when I look like an Adonis with clean blood running through my veins.
What’s the target?
I reckon that I weight about 15.5 stone so the target is to get to 13.5 – a massive 2 stone!

Why not sponsor me then? You can pledge your cash on a per pound lost basis or an amount for reaching the 13.5 stone target. You can see me to fill out a sponsorship form or just e-mail me at with your pledge. You can also use that e-mail address to send words of encouragement or to wind me if you are that way inclined.

I will be giving regular updates on this site so why not come later to see how well or not it’s going. Just click on he diet log on the top of this page.