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A burial mound for an Ordinian warrior. In Ordinian legend, an entrance to the Fair Folk’s realm lay under it.
A magical creature who resides on Dondar. It’s stare will poison its victim. It hibernates for years at a time.
Magical, were-creatures who prefer action as opposed to words. Beastials can transform from their animal form to their humanoid form at will. They serve powerful magic-users and open Gateways with a magic ring, given to them by their masters. They have high stamina, strength and endurance. Known types include were-wolves, were-hawks, were-cats and were-whales.
blue-green stone, amplifies ability to control the element of Air. Pixel was given a beryl by the Goblins.
Sarcastic, fat, red panda who is Shanara’s familiar. He is capable of performing magic himself, but usually acts as a focus for Shanara’s magic. He is constantly hungry and is very lazy. When not sleeping or eating he is whining and complaining. He constantly bickers with Shanara.
The Book of Magic:
Eremin’s old book of spells, now rightfully Helaine’s. It was taken from Aranak’s library.
The Book of Names:
Kept in Aranak’s library, it contains a collection of people’s true names.
Border Lords:
Rulers on Ordin who live on the border of the island. They collaborated to kidnap Helaine and prevent the marriage alliance between the House of Ordin and House of Peverel.
Helaine’s only friend on Ordin and Lord Votrin’s oldest and most loyal soldier. He is the head fighting instructor of the Votrin castle. He taught Helaine everything he knows on combat and kept her Renald identity a secret by explaining “Renald” off as the son of a cousin of his. Originally he hoped teaching her to fight would scare her into quitting her romps as Renald, but it backfired; Helaine became addicted to the way of the sword and became the most skilled warrior in the castle.
Tony Caruso’s right-hand man on Earth. Helaine broke his wrist on Earth after he acted fresh with her.
Virtual Reality buddy of Pixel's. Pixel doesn’t know if she is a real user or an AI friend. She was Pixel’s second best friend on Calomir.