Encyclopedia to the Diadem Universe

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One Who Rules:
Title Sarman gave himself after defeating the Triad.
A black and white precious gem that amplifies the ability to Shapeshift, (change oneself or others into animals, etc. and back). Helaine obtained this jewel from the Goblins.
A magical projection created by the Triad. He is a messenger made of ether who takes immense takes pleasure out of giving bad news. He also has impeccably bad timing. He was instructed by the Triad to guide the Chosen Three. He appears as a handsome, tall man, dressed entirely in black with pale flickering skin and black hair. He has to speak in annoying rhyming riddles for a time because of the mess up in the flow of magic by Sarman corrupted his programming. He is also known as LeCora, Cleora and Relcoa. Since he is not “real” he doesn’t cast a shadow and is unable to physically touch anything. He has a good sense of humor and a fatherly concern for Score, Helaine and Pixel. He hates the Triad.
Helaine’s home world on the Outer Rim of the Diadem. It is a world covered mostly in oceans with a few islands of land. (It is similar to Mer in geography. You know what I mean if you’re a Pirates of Dark Water fan). It has a medieval/Viking culture. Helaine lived on the largest of the islands. In Ordin society, women have strict places and little freedom. The women are expected to learn only domestic, gentle arts while males are allowed and expected to learn the art of war, horseback riding and many other essential skills. By Ordin law, women can be betrothed by age 8. On Ordin, the sun rises in the west.
Outer Circuit:
Farthest circuit from the core of the Diadem. Treen is on the Outer Circuit.
Outer Rim:
The farthest part of the Diadem. It contains Earth, Ordin and Calomir. Minmal magic is able to be performmed. So little, that Portals cannot be created. Magic-users are rare on Rim Worlds.