Encyclopedia to the Diadem Universe

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Helaine’s primary focus gem and the first she ever owned. It was given to her by the Beastials on Treen. It amplifies the power to levitate oneself and objects. Side effect: loss of vowels in speech while gem in use.
The hidden master and manipulator of the Diadem in books 1-3. His name was first revealed in book 2. He killed the Triad and took over the Diadem only to discover that he was trapped at its center. In order to escape, he created the Analog. His plan was to capture and drain a magic-user from every world in the Diadem to power his Analog. He is ruthless, heartless, self-confident, egotistical and power-hungry. He self proclaimed himself the One Who Rules. His soul was trapped by The Chosen Three inside the diamond of the Analog.
See Character Bio page
The title of the book of names in Aranak’s library.
Senoj ados oc:
Healing spell to cure Destiny’s paralyzed legs. It is very draining on magic-users.
Magical spies and servants of Sarman that are neither living nor dead. They can travel through space and throughout the Diadem. It is their pleasure to hunt down victims for their master. They seem to actually feast on fear, “...they could taste the delicious fear from their target”. They have a cross between a hive mind and the mind of a wolf pack. They are invisible in the Outer Rim, but appear more solid as they near the Diadem core. They have the ability to enter “host bodies” and take over living beings consciousness’. While in the body of their host, the eyes of the host turn completely black and their faces become expressionless. Once the Shadows leave the hosts recall very little. When visible, they appear to be solidified shadows with claws and teeth, wings and eyes. Even when they are visible in the Inner Circuit, one can only see them out of the corner of his/her eye. To directly gaze upon a Shadow is to gaze upon a patch of “nothing” that hangs in the air. The Shadows are not very intelligent, but they are completely obedient. They disintegrated when Sarman was defeated.
Shalar Domain:
Pixel’s true name.
A fairly powerful sorceress on Rawn. She is a master of self-transformation and is known to many of the inhabitants on Rawn as The Magician of Shapes. Shanara is also talented in illusion making and scrying. Her true appearance is unknown. Her main human appearance is that of a tall and very beautiful human woman. She likes to change her hair and other features on a whim. She is dependent on Blink, her familiar, for casting spells. At times she can be overly cautious and paranoid, like most Diadem magic-users. She eventually befriended the Chosen Three after getting to know them in the form of Amaris, the centaur. Amaris is one of her favorite aliases. Whenever she wants to socialize she becomes Amaris and joins the other centaurs. Shanara was also a keeper of one of the Pages.
A killer whale Beastial. In beast mode he is 20 ft long, black, with a white underbelly and patches of white on sleek dark skin. In humanoid form he is over 7 ft tall, black with a white stomach and white patches. He has incredible strength. He is also hairless.
Shriker Kula prior:
The magic spell for summoning fire. Pixel was the first of the trio to cast the spell. The words came back to him as a memory of being Nantor of the Triad resurfaced .
Creature native to Dondar. Its lower half is a lion body with huge claws, but with eagle wings that are 20ft tip to tip. Its head resembles a human female and has a lion mane instead of hair. It has yellow eyes, feline teeth, and a long lion tail. It is twice the size of normal lion and is very clever. It behaves like a very intelligent feline. Sphinxes like to prey on unicorns.