Encyclopedia to the Diadem Universe

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The Tale of Tomai:
one of the books in Aranak’s library.
Troll on Rawn who witnessed Shanara’s illusion of the trio destroying their home.
Legendary creatures on Ordin. They are vampire ghosts and are industrcutable until they suck enough blood and life force from their victims to become “real” enough to touch. They have an elongated mouth, pointed teeth, pale yellow eyes that are slitted like a cat, a snout, and claws. Acording to legend, they come out only at night.
The Three Who Rule:
Alias of the Triad; Nantor, Traxis and Eremin.
A unicorn on Dondar. He is the leader of his herd. Thunder is black with white spots on his coat that resemble stars. He is very distrustful of humans, and protective of his herd and family, Nova his wife and Flame his daughter. He acts like a big grouch and is also brave and opinionated.
Tony Caruso:
aka “Bad Tony”. #3 on the FBI’s most wanted list in book 5, he is also Score’s father. He is a tough guy, and on the streets it was known that nobody messed with Tony and lived to tell about it. He used to beat Score after his wife died in order to toughen him up, like his own father had done with him. Although incarcerated in the first book, he escaped temporarily from jail and was recaptured in the fifth book. He is tall and dark haired. He wants Score to take over the family criminal business.
Wealthy and powerful Asian business man on Earth. He is the owner of corporation Toshiro and lives on Long Island, New York. He adopted Destiny so he could exploit her magical powers. He is power-hungry and worked with Tony Caruso to kidnap Score. The police eventually apprehended him.
A yellow gemstone that amplifies the ability to control the element of Fire. Pixel obtained it from the Goblins.
The Tower:
Aranak’s home. While he was alive, it was inlaid with magical spells and bobby traps. It is 150 ft tall and appears to be cut out of one precious stone. Smokey blue light curls around its base and their are no visible doors or windows. With Aranak dead, the trio use it whenever they are on Treen.
One of the male members of the Triad and Score’s potential self. He is tall and thick-set.
The first alien world The Chosen Three were sent to. It is on the Outer Circuit. It is filled with flora and fauna and similar to Earth with a blue sky and green plants. Humans, (who are not magic-users), inhabit planet.
aka The Three Who Rule; Nantor, Traxis and Eremin. They were the former rulers of the Diadem. They were despots and tyrants who ruled jointly. Each of the members was selfish, paranoid, secretive, arrogant and power-hungry. They were constantly fighting and backstabbing each other. Collectively they held the magic of the Diadem in balance as long as one of them remained on Jewel to keep the magic flowing. Before Sarman could kill them, they reincarnated their spirits into The Chosen Three. They left behind their magical potential and life forces to trick Sarman. Sarman imprisoned the remainder of the Triad into the diamond of the Analog.
Slow-witted, large, and incredibly strong. Their average height is six and half feet tall and they weigh over 300 pounds. They are powerful, muscular and have high endurance. They live a solitary life on a settlement near the base of the Jagged Mountains. They enjoy hunting, eating meat, and sleeping. They dislike baths.
Spell to summon Aranak.
Name Marmanki the magician took on for himself when he inhabited the bidy of a rogue, male unicorn. As a unicorn, he red with white flecks and is very large (by unicorn standards). He challenged Thunder for control over the herd and cheated by poisoning his horn. He is very smart, sneaky, and manipulative. See Marmanki for further details.