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Last Update:
Feb. 2006

Next Update :
Soon as YOU send me stuff to Post!

Downloadable Goodies

Fan Trailer
See the Flash goodness by me, Luna.

32 pix x 32 pix, formatted for your PC as .ico

Can't wait to read Book of War? Then read a small chapter segment now!
You'll need Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Teaser chapter from: Book of War

Book Covers
See the original Scholastic and newer Llewellyn Worldwide covers.

Come see some work by the fans!
fan art

AIM Buddy Icons
50 x 50 pix, by Kearin & Luna
This site was created by
DiademGrl Luna
DISCLAIMER: This site is a fan site, entirely unofficial, and has no affiliation with John Peel or Scholastic or Llewellyn Worldwide. All characters and story elements pertaining to the original Diadem series by John Peel belong to John Peel and/or Scholastic and/or Llewellyn Worldwide. No copyright enfringement is intended. No profit is being made off this site.