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"Diadem Dating Service" by Liviania
Chapter 3: A Date With Destiny- Part 1 Monday -Score

Disclaimer: I do not own Diadem. I am not getting paid for this.

A/N: Sorry this took so long, busy with school beginning again!! All apologies!

Destiny looked into her mirror, preening. She brushed her dark brown, almost black, silky hair from her face. She painted first her right eyelid, and then her left, a dark, royal blue. She finished her make-up with a dark red lipstick. She pulled on a long, Japanese-style navy dress with coppery-gold trimmings. She smiled. She was ready to score.

Score smiled. His faded blue jeans had no holes, and his shirt buttoned-down. He was so good looking. He was on his way to a date with destiny.

There he was...finally! Destiny came out of her house. "So, where we going, heartbreaker?"

"The new Italian restaurant," Score's reply came smoothly.


A/N: Yeah, yeah...I know it is short. Be prepared for what is next: the actual date!!! You know my rule, 2 reviews before I post anything else. (I know it sucks, but I want to make sure people are reading this. I don't want to post it if no one is going to bother to read it!!!)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
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