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The Intimidating Blog
Monday, 9 August 2004
Go Harvick!!
Although he did not win Sunday, Harvick got a top ten finish and that is a great thing. He moved up to nineth in the points. The gap to eleventh is closing but he is doing okay! The race was filled with caution flags. It was the slowest average speed ever. Of course in the end Gordon won his fourth 400. Oh well, we will get him next year. Not too much going on today. This was the start of the last week of band camp. I am excited about this. The drive back and forth and everywhere is getting old. I am ready for a new routine. The music is coming along. The kids did okay for a Monday. They just need individual music practice. Time at home. Speaking of music, I am doing a little search for the new Jewel piano sheet music. I finally bought the CD of the weekend and now I want the piano book. She is a great artist. More singers need to be like her.

Posted by theforce/earnhardt0105 at 6:35 PM EDT
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