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Bibliography for Brief History of Nick Mamer to Jack Knight Air Log

Bewins, Jack, AP.  "Off Beat Auto Feat Recalls Pioneer Venture in
  Aviation." The Seattle Times 8 May 1969.

Extracts:  Undated Northwest Airlines Company Magazine "Passages" "The
    History of Northwest Orient--a six part series."

E-mail:  From Jerry Turner to Richard Meister and Robert E. Smith.  13 July 2007.

"Flaming Arrow."  Time Magazine 17 January 1938.

"Government Suspension Follows Northwest Airlines Crash in Ten Years."
  Newsweek Magazine 14 February, 1938.

Letter:  Public relations, Northwest Airlines, July 1976 and photo of
    Lockheed 14H Zephyr.

Phillips Petroleum Co. Historical Aviation Series, Plate 2-10 "Northwest
    Airways Acquires its First Fleet of Three Stinson Detroiters."

"Roy Schreck killed in Crash, Was Pioneer."The Seattle Times 7
  August 1976.

Schulze, William.  "Saga of the Spokane Sun God."  Seattle
  Post-Intelligencer 26 January 1964, Sunday Pictorial Review:  4-7.

"Tail Trouble."  Newsweek Magazine March 1938.

"When Slowed Down, Plane [14H] Flies 50 Miles Per Hour Faster than the
  Average Need."  Newsweek Magazine 15 November 1937, Aviation


Following are headlines from The New York Times (in chronological

"Refueling Non-Stop Tour Planned."  The New York Times 27 July

"Plane Refueling Flight-Spokane Aviator Would Cross Country and Return."
  The New York Times  3 August 1929.

"Begin Non-Stop Flight to Cover 7200 Miles."  The New York Times 16
  August 1929.

"Non-Stop Fliers Fuel Twice on Way Here."  The New York Times 17
  August 1929.

"Sun God refueled, off to Cleveland."  The New York Times 18 August

"Sun God Hovers Here and Flies Back West."  The New York Times 18
  August 1929.

"Sun God Reported at Aberdeen, S.D."  The New York Times 20 August

"Completing Refueling Round Trip Flight to NY Sun God Stops at Spokane."
  The New York Times 21 August 1929.

"Twice Across Country Non-Stop" and "Contact." The New York Times
  25 August 1929.

"10 Killed as Airliner Hits Peak of Montana Mt." The New York Times
  11 January 1938.

"Plane's Wreckage Gives Up 10 Dead."  The New York Times 12 January

"Ban is Put on Lockheed Plane" and "Air Currents." The New York
  Times 13 January 1938.


Following are headlines from The Spokane Daily Chronicle/Spokesman-
  Review Newspaper Reference Library (in chronological order).

"Record Flight to Ill Daughter-Nick Mamer Pilots Sandpoint Postmistress"
  17 February 1928.

"Mamer Trains for Long Hop" 15 August 1928.
"Mamer Home-Lost in Storm in Colorado Mountains" 16 September 1928.

"Spokane Flyers are Snowbound" 13 October 1928.

"Long Trip Delights Air Matron" 12 November 1928.

"Mamer Succeeds in Non-Stop Hop St. Paul-Spokane" 25 October 1929.

"Spokane Sun God" 23 January 1938.

"Clock Memorial Fitting Tribute" 24 May 1938.

"Governor Pays Flyer Tribute" 31 May 1938.

"Col. Ellsworth French, Chronicle Writer Succumbs" undated 1975.