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Nick Mamer's Service in World War I

Quoted from William Schulze's article, "The Saga of the Sun God," Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Sunday, January 26, 1964.

Mamer won his wings and his lieutenant's bars at Kelly Field, Tex. And he served with the American Expeditionary Forces in France during World War I.

"It is my pleasure to certify that Lt. N. B. Mamer was attached to the 187th Aero Squadron, A.E.F., on active duty as pursuit pilot from July 14, 1918 to December 1, 1918," his commanding officer wrote afterward.

"He contributed to the valor of the squadron by being awarded the French Croix de Guerre with Palms, in addition to three citations. Lieutenant Mamer is officially credited with the destruction of three enemy planes.

"His plane was shot down in flames in combat with three enemy Fokker planes near Dun sur Meuse, France, November 2, 1918, during the Argonne battle. By skillful judgment and superb cool-headedness, he managed his plane in such a way so to protect himself, during the descent, from the flames.

"The plane being demolished upon landing, his presence of mind enabled him to extricate himself from the wreckage, thereby saving his life and escaping with minor injuries."