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Veterans of the Psychic Wars

Meet the Characters:

Kelsey: A sneaky and stealthy ninja-like spy who has a talent for invisibility and illusions.

KT: A strong-willed martial artist who specializes in psychic blast attacks and mind control through telepathy.

Liz: A quiet elf who is somewhat less wild and adventerous than her friends. She specializes in force fields and levitation, favoring defensive powers over attacks.

Background Info:

The secret laboratory of the Psycho-Dynamics Corporation long ago discovered the scientific methods of giving humans access to psychic powers. These psy powers proved strongest in teenagers, but burned out by adulthood. Three psychic warriors, Psycho-Dynamics latest experiements, serve as oracles, super-soldiers, spies, and bounty-hunters across the world. They are: Kelsey, KT, and Liz.

Veterans of the Psychic Wars: The Story:

    KT, Kelsey, and Liz stay overnight at the Psycho-Dynamics Corporation the evening they received their
psychic powers. They are playing "Go Fish" with Tarot cards.
    "Have a two of swords?" Kelsey questions KT. At KT's nod, Kelsey uses telekinesis to take the card from her hand.
"Have a three of cups?" KT asks Liz. "Nope," Liz says with a grin. With a little help from her mind-invading powers, KT discovers that Liz is clearly lying.
"You're cheating!" KT shouts, squirting Liz with water from a plastic fish. "Gimme the card!" Liz tosses her the card. "Hey, what's that noise?" "I don't hear anything," KT responds. "Look at what I can do!" Kelsey suddenly exclaims, shrinking. "Got a four of staves, shorty?" Liz asks Kelsey. "Shut up!" she screams back, tossing a shuriken at Liz.
Liz levitates out of the way. "No, seriously," Liz repeats, "I hear something." "These psy powers have made you paranoid," KT responds. With a wave of her hand, Kelsey suddenly vanishes.
"Hey, where'd you go?!" KT demands. "I'm invisible," Kelsey giggles. "What for?" Liz wonders. Kelsey responds, "I'm gonna go check out these noises of yours." "There are no noises!" KT screams. At that moment, loud clanging, banging, and sirens erupt from a nearby room. "I think I hear something," Liz says again. "Don't doubt her," Kelsey suggests, "She's very perceptive!" Kelsey then sneaks off to find out what's making noises. "Wait!" KT calls out to her, "What if the evil ones find you?" "Evil ones?" Liz mutters. "You'll need my power!" KT yells, drawing her sword. "And you thought I was paranoid..." Liz continues. "I had a premonition!" KT proclaims. "You mean a nightmare," Liz taunts. "No really!" KT yells. She sits down on the floor and stares into a random crystal ball.
"Where did that crystal ball come from?" Kelsey whispers, still invisible. "Get out of here already, you're creeping me out," Liz answers, "Voices coming from nowhere..." "I already checked things out," Kelsey tells her, "I'm back already!" "Psychic speed?" Liz questions her. Kelsey reveals herself, smiling in what could only mean yes. KT is meanwhile levitating over the crystal ball. "I see... the martial arts academy!" "What's with her?" Kelsey asks. "She thinks she can predict the future," Liz responds. "The school... it's being destroyed by... undead things!" "Sounds serious," Kelsey says, growing back to her normal, but still short, height. "Zombies and skeletons," KT continues, "The evil ones are near!" Liz closes her eyes, detecting evil. "She's right, you know. I'll have to banish these demons." "Do you want to know what I saw when I went scouting or not?" Kelsey asks her friends. "Oh yeah," KT says, snapping out of her trance. "What were those noises?" "Zombies and skeletons." "WHAAAAT?!" KT and Liz scream. "They were pouring out of a secret laboratory nearby." Kelsey continues. "This is Psycho-Dynamic's latest creation?" Liz whispers. "We must leave this evil place at once!" KT exclaims, charging out the window. Liz shrugs and follows, flying.
Kelsey clings to the wall and across the ceiling, sneaking out the way she does best. "I can't see anything out here!" KT shouts. "Shhhh..." Liz creates a soft, dim ball of light and lands, leading her friends through the dark night.
"Where are we going?" Kelsey questions from behind a bush. "Ah!" KT yells out in surprise, "Do you have to be so sneaky?" "Do you have to be so loud?" Kelsey smiles and continues skulking in the underbrush. "Let's just get as far away from this place as we can," Liz suggests, "They'll likely track us using psy powers if they realize we're gone. "The evil ones!" KT yells again. "Silence!" Kelsey whispers firmly, "You'll give away our location!" "Don't worry, my small friend. I'll protect you from the undead minions of doom that are probably right behind us!" Suddenly, a skeleton emerges from the darkness. "Begone creature of evil!" Liz shouts, using her powers of exorcism to banish the undead creature.

Psychic Wars