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Application For Elite Spader Warriors

Below you will find the application that needs to be filled in order to be considered for membership. We are a Zone family whose members love to play spades and other Zone games. If you are an honest player and a decent human being, then you could be eligible for membership. By submitting your application, you agree to uphold the above standards. Once you have filled out the application and click submit, you will be taken to the Elite Spader Warriors  home page. Browse around I have included some informational links and I am always adding some hint, tip, file or some such thing to help anyone that may be in need.

Back to ESW Home Page      Petition for Membership on the Zone (makes it official)

                                              Make sure you are logged on in your nic passport

Name ?    

Country you live in ?                  

Current Zone Nic ?

Proposed ESW Nic ? (check for availability)

Sponsor ? (Current ESW member)

Email Address


Date of Birth (if under 16 year is req.)

Month                    Day                 Year (optional)


Are you a member of any other club on the Zone ? (y/n)

If so what club ?

Brief statement of why you would like to join ESW.

Elite Spader Warriors
Copyright © 1999 [Elite Spader Warriors]. All rights reserved.
Revised: 09/16/04