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Structure and Functioning of a Rural Health Center (RHC)

Rural Health Center (RHC)
Each Markaz has a RHC, charged with the following roles
1. provision of referral capability for patients referred by VHWFHWs, TBAs and BHUs and primary level curative care using approved essential drugs list.
2. center for provision of static and out-reach services:
a) MCH, FP, EPI and advice on food and nutrition. 
b) Sanitation, Health education.
c) CDD, CDC, ARI and other special programmes.
d) PM programme for Family planning and PHC.
3. A focal point, where community and the public sector health functionaries come together to resolve issues concerning health.
4. Responsible for support, clinical, logistical and management to the BHUs falling in the markaz, VHW, FHWs, TBAs. Dispensaries, MCH Centre, Sub Health Centre etc. falling in the geographical limits of union council where RHC is situated
5. A first level care facility where Medico-legal duties are performed.

Structure of RHC
Each RHC is a small colony which consist of main RHC building and number and of residencies for the stall .It is mandatory for the medical officers the women medical officers and LHVs to reside in their respective residencies so as to ensure their presence round the clock.

Standard Equipment and furniture of RHC
Each RHC is provided with 25 beds, a lab, x-ray facility ambulance service and minor surgery service.

Essential drugs for RHC
The “pill culture” that has consistently been promoted over promoted over the years by commercial drug companies. Doctors and pharmacists has led most people in both rich developed countries and in poor developing counties to have and exaggerated faith in the ability of drugs to prevent or cure disease, improve strength and vitality and provide psychological pleasure. This is one of the causes of the increasing demand for medicines all over the world and the consequent enormous increase in the number of pharmaceutical products marketed up to the seventies in most countries however there has not been a proportionate 
improvement in health status.

The constantly increasing demand for drugs and their consequent high consumption is a constant drain on national resources. It is often difficult for health personnel to select an appropriate drug from a wide range of drugs of same class with different efficacy and price range. To ease the situation WHO complied a list of essential drugs in 1977 in the height if this list and subsequent discussion meeting s workshops of key health personnel of government of Pakistan. List of essential drugs for different level health facilities has been formulated.

A standard list of essential drugs at each RHC us given as Annexure-6. when prescribing drugs the health personnel must stick to this list.

Patient/ client record cards and service delivery facility cards
The health personnel’s are required to understand thoroughly these instruments with the help of Health Management information system for FLCF instruction manual.

Patient management
While managing the patients attending a health facility the following must be followed:
· Utmost courtesy should be shown to the patient.
· Health facility timings must be strictly observed.
· All relevant information should be properly recorded.
· The patient should be provided with medicines in accordance with the essential drug list.
· Prescribing fancy drugs must be avoided.
· Should not become unnecessary influenced by the medical Representatives etc.
· National policies regarding treatment/management of a diarrhea, ARI, malaria, TB etc should be followed. (Details are available in “Health Management information system for FLCF instruction manual”).
· Appropriate health messages must be conveyed and preventive health services offered to appropriate clients.
· Contraceptive services must be provided to eligible clients even if they have come for some other reasons.
· The need of follow-up should be emphasized to the patients/ attendants.
· Working of subordinates in accordance with their job descriptions should be ensured.
· Must refer a patient with proper medical notes to higher-level care facility if required.

Staff at RHC
The following staff is posted at RHCs:

Stationed staff
· MO
· Dental surgeon
· Hakim
· Dawkob
· Homeo doctor
· Homeo dispenser
· Dispenser
· Dresser 
· Lab Asst
· Other Support Staff]

Out reach staff
· Urtian vaccinator 
· CDC supervisor

Duties of MO at RHC
· Preventive curative 
· Administrator Medico legal

Supervision and monitoring
Monitoring means “keeping track of day to day programme activities” and supervision means “process of helping and 
individual or group in performing their assigned activites.”

These activities should be carried out judiciously in accordance with the laid down.
Criteria as described in the JOB DESCRIPTION and health management information system for FLCF instruction manual.

Imperest account
Each MO at BHU is provided with an imperest money of Rs 1000/- this can be utilized to make urgent necessary purchases of small items e.g bulbs, locks etc

Pay bills
Each health personnel has to prepare his own pay bill every month and will submit it to the DDHO/DHO as soon as possible.

Private practice
The MO and the SMO are allowed to see their private patients only at their official residence after the hospital working hours. 
They are not allowed to practice at any other place like private clinic, hospital, and health centers etc. 


Thanks to,
Sadia Saeed
Member e-team 4th year,

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