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Annual Sports 2003
Mini Marathon + Staff Student Cricket Match 






Pictures taken: Nauman Saeed, emed.

It is traditional of PMC to conduct special programmes for students to keep the environment healthy & to maintain a good relationship between teachers & students. Continuing this tradition " PMC Sports Club" is conducting Annual Sports & these sports were inaugurated on January 23rd 2003 with Mini marathon race followed by Staff Students Cricket match.

It was bright sunny thursday morning & opening ceremony took place at 10:00 a.m. in front of Anatomy department. Mini marathon race started after Deputy Dean PMC, Prof.Dr. A.G. Rehan inaugurated the Annual sports. For race, path was specified. 74 students participated in race. Dr.Mohammad Aslam (Forensic Medicine) & Dr.Kokab Shakeel (Anatomy) were the judges & accompanied the participants in an ambulance in case of any emergency situation. Spectators standing by the sides of the track encouraged & boosted students. First 10 students were awarded prizes.

This mini marathon was followed by Staff Students Cricket match & air filled with traditional colours. Every class had its own section filled with colours, slogans & boosts, teachers clad in kits & agile students set to defeat their teachers. All of this was covered & overpowered by witty commentary by Dr.Asghar Butt, Dr.Ijaz Shah & Dr.Janbaz Ahmad.

Teachers won toss & elected to bat. Runs started piling by fierce strokes by all teachers & majority of them remained not out giving chance to their colleagues. Teachers team comprised of Prof.Dr. A.G.Rehan, Prof. Dr. Zia ud Din, Prof. Dr. Hafeez Chaudhry, Prof. Dr. Farooq Mian, Dr. Yousaf Shah, Dr. Mehdi Raza, Prof. Dr. Mohammad Saeed, Dr. Arif Mohe ud din, Dr. 
Zahid Masood, Dr. Qaiser Mehmood, Dr.Khurram Raja & Dr. Riaz Hassan.

Students followed by solid strokes throughout & won match easily. Prize distribution followed & lastly lunch was served to the participants. Day ended giving everlasting memories to participants.

Sumaira & Shafia

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