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Welcome to AboUt mI!

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AboUT mI & StuFFs LikE tHat

I think you all want to know about right? Hmmm....and I wonder why I made this page?

 Ahem, okay! I am just another gut who love playing soccer. LOL. I date( never in success and always ends with a disaster ) well not usually. I am single (as of 10/16/2002) am not looking.  I have not place more info as i am quite filled with hectic 'plans'. lol  :P

Name Hafiz Hasnol

Gender Male

D.O.B 14 November 1986

Hobbies Playing street soccer, do my 'stuffs' and create a better webpage!!

Status Single and looking!

Likes My cat, My water bed, My computer and of cause MYSELF!!( my MD too!

DisLikesMy sister, Not Having a Girlfriend, Non-halal food, and etc


 I am a MAJOR in Elite Sniper Warriors: here

Anime List upload!! Here

RevIEws!!: Musical Stuffs!

 Yo! I got a review from Zhao Wei: " Man, the sound is very bad and out of sync. I love the way the songs being said after our moves. lol!"

Hafiz, "Right, i still think its an irony to duplicate a fairly horrible picture work. lol' 

Zhao Wei, " Still we are the first ones to have ever watch the VCD!. Well Hafiz, continue the butt sweating work of yours!"

Hafiz, " Okay, How many star would give to this piece of @#$^ of work!

Zhao Wei, " 3 out of 5 popcorn for sound (only for Steve) and 3 out of 5 popcorn for the picture (very well timed dance which I still don't believe).



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This site was last updated 04/09/03