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GIS Charter - Code of Conduct - Rules and Regulations
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Galactic Industries and Services, Charter -

The GIS charter has not yet been ratified by the membership and shall be posted at a later date.

Galactic Industries and Services, Code of Conduct -


Galactic Shipping & Warehousing is a Player Association formed to advance the common interests of mature players. We seek to enhance the experience of Star Wars Galaxies for ourselves and also for the greater Galaxies player community. GSW will support its members in their pursuit of wealth, knowledge, security, and fun. These interests we view as common to all players.


1. All members of Galactic Shipping & Warehousing are required to treat other members with respect and courtesy. Antagonism, profanity, or any otherwise abusive language or behavior aimed towards another GSW members will not be tolerated and is grounds for expulsion.

2. Members should always remain aware that their actions towards other Star Wars players reflect directly on our Association. As such, profane or abusive language and/or behavior directed towards another player is prohibited.

3. Each member of GSW has a fiduciary responsibility to the Association and the interests of its members. No member of GSW may knowingly engage in acts which directly or indirectly harm or otherwise interfere with the common interests of the Association or that of its members. Members who are found to violate this provision forfeit their membership and will be immediately expelled.

Galactic Industries & Services, GIS, and this web site are Copyright 2003. Star Wars, Star Wars Galaxies, and all "Star Wars" related images are the property of Lucasfilm, Sony Online Entertainment, or their respective owners.