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Please send all comments and inqueries to Refer to the following chart to determine to whom you should address your email messages.

Customers and Clients
If your are looking to purchase GIS products and services, please address the subject of your emails to:

  • Ore products and Factory Leasing: Sisko Bell
  • Labor droids, Tools, and Weapons Systems: Taskit Falloon
  • Shipping Services: Occam Razor

If you wish to become a supplier of GIS, or wish to become a subcontractor, please address the subjects of your emails to:

  • Mining and Manufacturing products/services: Sisko Bell
  • Droid, Tool, Construction components, Weapons Systems: Taskit Falloon
  • Cargo transport vehicles, supplies, and technology: Occam Razor
  • Security, Combat, Weapons and combat supplies: Kekna'Lohar
  • Intelligence Services, Assets, Technology: Traest

When emailing GIS, potential members seeking information about a particular department should direct the subject of their inqueries to the appropriate department head:

  • Mining department, and all other inqueries may be addressed to Sisko Bell
  • Technical Service Department: Taskit Falloon
  • Shipping Operations: Occam Razor
  • Security Department: Kekna'Lohar
  • Intelligence Department: Traest

If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at


Galactic Industries & Services, GIS, and this web site are Copyright 2003. Star Wars, Star Wars Galaxies, and all "Star Wars" related images are the property of Lucasfilm, Sony Online Entertainment, or their respective owners.