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GIS Products and Services
Mining/Manufacturing Droids Weapons Shipping
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Products and Services by Department
Ore Products
Our products list is forthcoming. As Galaxies gets closer to launch, we will be able to provide more information.

Factory Leases
Our services list is forthcoming. As Galaxies gets closer to launch, we will be able to provide more information.

Droid Products
Our list of droid products is forthcoming. As Galaxies gets closer to launch, we will be able to provide more information.

Weapons Systems
Our list of weapons system products is forthcoming. As Galaxies gets closer to launch, we will be able to provide more information.

Shipping Services
The details of the Shipping Services we offer is forthcoming. As Galaxies gets closer to launch, we will be able to provide more information.

Galactic Industries & Services, GIS, and this website are Copyright 2003. Star Wars, Star Wars Galaxies, and all "Star Wars" related images are the property of Lucasfilm, Sony Online Entertainment, or their respective owners.