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Welcome GIS members. General news and events are listed below. Be sure to check in at the private GIS Forum for detailed updates and discussions.
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News and Events...

01.31.2003 - Star Wars Galaxies Friday's FAQ: 6.17 How do Jedi work?
Today's FAQ gives players the first details about the mechanics of being a Jedi. The FAQ also gives information on the mechanics of keeping Jedi rare. From the FAQ: "Your main character does not become a Jedi. Rather, the actions of your main character can unlock an additional character slot which is Force-sensitive..." Check out the Galaxies FAQ page for more details.

01.07.03 - New GIS Web site Unveiled
This is the new GIS web site. Please refer all inquiries to this site, and use it in your SWG related sigs (if you have one). The site design strives to be clean and efficient. Hopefully, members, clients, and new recruits will find the site easy to use. What do you think? Like it? Yes, no? Post an opinion on the GIS Forum.
Last Updated 01-31-03

Galactic Industries & Services, GIS, and this web site are Copyright 2003. Star Wars, Star Wars Galaxies, and all "Star Wars" related images are the property of Lucasfilm, Sony Online Entertainment, or their respective owners.