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GIS Roster and Bios
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Member Name Rank Position
Sisko Bell Executive Member CEO
Sisko Bell is the founder and CEO of Galactic Industries and Services. A human male, Sisko is also the Minister of Defense for the City of Na'Mur, located on the planet Naboo.

Taskit Falloon Executive Member Chief Technology Officer
The best mechanic in the galaxy, Taskit "Wrench" Fallon heads the Technical Services Department. Taskit hails from the moist world of Mon Calamari. Enslaved seven years prior to the Battle of Yavin by the Empire, Taskit later escaped with the help of a young Mon Cal he trained, Orco Morco. Taskit, with Orco at his side, worked as a mechanic on the Outer Rim until Sisko Bell hired Taskit after meeting him on Outpost Station.

Occam Razor Executive Member Chief of Shipping Operations
Occam heads the GIS Shipping Department.

Kekna'Lohar Execuitve Member Chief Security Officer
The GIS Security Department is headed up by Kekna'Lohar.

Traest Executive Member Chief Intelligence Officer
Traest runs our Intelligence operations.

Exon Escardin Senior Member Deputy Chief of Security
Exon is second in command of the GIS Security Forces, and also heads our elite Special Ops Teams.

Tric Marcoon Senior Member TBD
Tric is a longtime and valued member of the team.

Randt M'noraam Senior Member TBD
Randt is a longtime and valued member of the team.

Orco Moro Junior Member TBD
Orco is a recently admitted and valued member of the team. A Mon Calamari mechanic, Orco was once enslaved by the Empire. After meeting Taskit Falloon, Ocro helped his new friend escape Imperial bondage. The two eventually set-up shop on the Outer-Rim. Orco joined GI a year after Taskit first left to work with Sisko Bell.

Loc Taran Junior Member TBD
Loc is a recently admitted and valued member of the team.

Narus U'mas Reserve Member N/A
Narus was the first person to join GIS (then Galactic Shipping and Warehousing) after it was founded by Sisko over eighteen months ago.

Galactic Industries & Services, GIS, and this website are Copyright 2003. Star Wars, Star Wars Galaxies, and all "Star Wars" related images are the property of Lucasfilm, Sony Online Entertainment, or their respective owners.