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all w0rk and n0 play makes h0dGe a dull boy....all w0rk and n0 play makes h0dGe a dull boy....all w0rk and n0 play makes h0dGe a dull boy....all w0rk and n0 play makes h0dGe a dull boy....all w0rk and n0 play makes h0dGe a dull boy....

Quote of the Week - "I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that i dont know the answer."
-Douglas Adams

marra's (mates)

I couldnt make a site all about meself with out lookin after me mates in it now could i. Through life ive gone through school, holidays and jobs and picked up a canny few buddies here and there. Some of them i keep in contact with and some of them i dont, even though i should. But there are still all mates and i can still sink lagers with them from time to time and have a laugh about stupid times when i got concusion or nearly broke my spinal column.

A good number of the people ive met and actually liked were met thorugh employment at JS (Sainsers). A part time job which i have been workin at for the past Six Years! School and Uni thing and now a full time Stop Gap till i move to the DWP. Well i have to say when they employ people it must be on a basis of 'soundness' rather than work ability cause we basically do fuk all and have a good laugh!

Alot of lads have left there since but we still all keep in touch, and the two lads who i know live with in the flat are former employes.

Then there is school. School was a belter time for me and i have to say that your parents are right, school is the best part of your life and if i could id probably gan back for a few years. Or maybe we just remember it differently. But i met a good bunch of lads there who have since went seperate ways but we still keep in touch and again meet up for lagers and a laugh whenever we can!

Anyhow here is a list of a good group of them, and a few exploits which i happen to recall! Im sorry if i missed anyone out, but im adding to the list all the time, when i get a spare few minutes! Also its in alphabetical order.

- Michael Hodgson (All about his Chums)


Nickname:- Bobby B

Total Cunt. Nah only jokin. Met this lad through Nidge and the rest of the JS 'Work' Crew. In the year above me at school so didnt really know him through there, but went through school with the lads just mentioned. Sound lad who loves his ale and his pizza's, but without mushrooms.

Went on holiday with him and a load of other lads to Malia, which was mental holiday. Many memorys surface with the name Malia but the one which sticks in my head the most is the night of Bruces Bar and the Change over! General night out with an early start in Bruces bar, a patio table and a shit load of Amstel and Whipsey Kens (alcopopshhsshh) we placed right where the new arrival buses come. Needless to say by the end of the night we were fuked! Me and Blackey were the last to wander back, i knew he was more trashed than me cause i had to keep him up on the walk back.

At the 24hr Pool Bar with about 80 new arrivals the big lad walked dangerously to the edge of the pool, fearin death by drunken drowning i watched on laughing. Luckily he tipped backwards asleep on his feet and landed hard on the deck. Fast asleep. He proceded to wake up about an hour later (just as i was about to pass out from drink) not knowin where he was he walked (stumbled) to the nearest tree attempted to unlock it with his apartment key, proceded to kick the shit out of it when it wouldnt open (this is a tree remember) and was forcefully removed from the premises by a couple of Greek Billys. I laughed so hard i nearly asphixiated myself.

Oh aye and remember when u kicked me shoe ontop of the betting shop? and when we went hedge diving and i ran into a fence behind the hedge? Happy days.

Coming Soon.

Nickname:- Deano The Big Gay Bear.


*h0dGe* 0wnage Site is created and maintained by *h0dGe* copyright 2003