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all w0rk and n0 play makes h0dGe a dull boy....all w0rk and n0 play makes h0dGe a dull boy....all w0rk and n0 play makes h0dGe a dull boy....all w0rk and n0 play makes h0dGe a dull boy....all w0rk and n0 play makes h0dGe a dull boy....

Quote of the Week - "I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that i dont know the answer."
-Douglas Adams



Well this is me ladies and gents, avert your eyes! This is Wor profile;

Name: Michael Hodgson

Age: 22

Occupation: Civil Servant

Hobbies: Horse Whisperer and Part Time CIA Spook

Musical Preference: Beats to the Max, R&B and Some Strums to finish off

Favorite Band: Coldplay

Favorite Film(s): Saving Private Ryan, Star Wars (the lot) and The Matrix Trilogy

Favorite Thing: Laughter

Favorite Car: TVR Speed 12 / Speed 6 Tuscan

Reason for Living: Life is short. Waste not want not. If i could give a good reason why i think its worth cracking on in life is when im sat in or out with me mates, me girlfirend and laughin' till i cry. If you can make people smile, or still smile yourself everything will be fine.

Description in Five words: Self Proclaimed Leader of the People........thats six......fuk thats eight.....ahh shit.

Personal Statement: A little about me. Well i was brought up in the suburbs of newcastle, no different to a million other people in other parts of Britain. Usual beef, public school educated, in more ways than one. Bit of naughtness as a kid, but nothing worth mentioning. Brought up to think things through before i act, but my temper and eagerness can sometimes override this training, which ends up leaving me in the shite. My mouth is the biggest culpret for this. A sarcastic tongue and a general too quick to judge nature is my undoing. Im your typical scorpio who lets his emotions block his sense (if you beileve all that crap). If there is one thing i could change about myself it be my motivation, i think i could offer alot more if i could be arsed to . . . . . . do it.



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